Use this for anything related to plagiarism - Reporting cheating, appeals, etc

Check this solution for plagiarism … CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

hahaha, everyone wants to be daring like you. Lol, I strongly suspect you are the one who has copied. I have checked your solution and it’s much similar to the one which most of them have submitted.

As usual, solutions to Feb long challenge problems were posted on YouTube either completely or partially.

So I opened about 10 AC solutions here (Sorted by Python, AC) and they are all matching.

Ig MOSS will detect most of them as the accounts didn’t even bother to change variable names.


for ATWNT CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone ,check this for plagiarism.This was submitted by most at the last hour.

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SUMXOR2 = First Solution type : Solution : 42812629 ; Solution : 42813729
Second Solution Type : Solution : 42821835 ;

MULGAME = 42776019; 42776256; 42821883; 42744960; 42830180
The above solution has been copied from

ATWNT = 42812328; 42813509
Infact these two have *Author: link in their code ,they forget to remove it :joy:

@admin Please take action against them and I am sure there would be many like these


Most of the solutions of Another tree with number theory are same.Almost all solutions are copied. There are many more .


As if there already wasn’t enough cheating in long challenges, now you are recruiting from it? Of course, cheating will increase exponentially.


no actually I got tle in last 2 test cases of subtask 2 thats is why I was checking some solutions to know to the optimal solution and I got shocked to see these things

WHAT CP Means Today



seriously man. but will they be plagiarized?

Well you see my ranking dropped from 10 to 52 in just a day.
I remember MULGAME having like 90 ACs just 2 days ago and look at it now, literally over 1 thousand ACs.


Just a suggestion to Codechef,

Being new to competitive coding, this has been my second contest on Codechef and was bad to work 30-50 submissions per AC and being awake at 2-4 AM at night.

While rest just cntrl c - cntrl v the code by making a fake profile last moment.

It would be great if Codechef can do somethings to reduce fake profiles.

They can make national ID compulsory while registering the account. PAN card, Aadhar card, etc.

You can have a software which auto detects and verifies the national ID with government authorities or govt websites in less than a second.

For juniors, they can send the national ID of their parents or seniors.

Same can be done for all nations.

This will reduce people making fake accounts and just submitting codes.

As I see in Div 3 ranklist, lot of new accounts were created and 9 problems were solved in one go. AC in half an hour.

Second thing which I would suggest is to not display problems publicly in running contests.

If you are a registered user, you can view the problems. But without login, no one can see the problems.

And make it publicly visible only after the contest.

This will reduce the chances that anyone with banned account making solutions and posting on YouTube.


Codechef needs to seriously work on it’s contests,during previous two lunchtime server error occured for multiple times,and long challenge witnesses good amount of cheatings everytime.Because of which mediocre coders or beginners who generally solve first 5 or 6 problems have to suffer a lot,as the questions that they have solved for 10 days got submitted by someone within 1 hr creating a sense of demotivation for them.

Yup accuracy rate bumped from 1% to like 14%.
i saw lots of similar submissions for team name too.

yeah i too managed to solve 5 q in 3 days and till 13 feb my rank was 1800 and sudden today morning my rank was 3000+…i had to solve one more and had to leave whole 3 hrs of classs for it:-(…

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Will all of them receive plagiarism or not?

sir in how many days will the rating be updated,
actually i appeared first time in a challenge , so little bit of anxiety.

Just carefully read the solution, you will find the link to the author’s youtube channel lol

How does one receive plagiarism?

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Ideally, if you want to report that some users have cheated, or if you want to appeal against having been caught for plagiarism, you should only send an email to, and wait for a few weeks to get a reply.

But despite this instruction, if you do feel that you need to say something publicly, you can use this topic. Any other new topic that you start related to this will be closed.