Use this for anything related to plagiarism - Reporting cheating, appeals, etc

I, personally feel like in yesterday’s June-Cook off, no more than 400 participants could’ve solved the problem B (div 2) by themselves! But surprisingly it had been solved by 1800 participants!

Everyone knows what’s happening here these days!
I wanted to ask @admin when are they planning to bring MOSS checker for codechef contests? (few months ago @admin said in a few months, still waiting)

All limits have been crossed already!
The good coders are falling in the leaderboard, and Cheaters now will be able to write, fancy, 4 star coder on their resume!

And some of them just want to watch the world burn!

Is there any hope for us, here, anymore?


cheaters and poor test cases both are common problems
for example Yestarday just for fun I used a “jugaad” solution and well it worked
this solution shouldn’t even work because for a test case like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
answer should be 7 but it gives 14 then also got AC.

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well the values cant repeat so it worked … nothing wrong in test cases


true :grimacing: :grimacing:

It’s kind of a bold Claim, but just give it a shot!
In the standings (div2, div3), Open any College of your choice, look at the submissions in the 1st page, you’ll find atleast 2 accounts with the same solution. (Maybe a little variable and order change)

Yeah, that’s how it is for my college too

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No man I know its hard but dont cheat it will really help u in the long run. Just keep practicing and solving algos. Enjoying it is more fun.

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Honesty is the most valuable treasure. keep being honest even though it’s bitter. Do not cheat

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when will update the rating for june long challenge 2021 (div 2)??

Honestly, I stopped giving contests at CodeChef.


Everyone should try Leetcode (no promotions)
I am sharing my experience, I participated in Weekly 246 and when the contest ended my rank was 2300!
Today they announced the results and my rank is 1300!
A whole 1000 rank got increased with their evaluation!
Their MOSS checker is just amazing, they even encourage users to report submissions for cheating! And also heavy penalty if you found in cheating!
I think Codechef should learn from them! @admin

Thats why companies dont see codechef rating but they also test your skills in interviews

Just Practice hard and try to solve many many problems. I don’t think its gonna stop soon. Till Learn and practice as many topics as you can.

This is the only way you can beat cheaters.

Don’t Worry they can’t cheat the screening tests which happens during placements, no one can cheat there as you are in college under supervision

And there are many more !!


Even this: - YouTube
Probably this is the reason second problem has that amount of submissions


@cubefreak777 are you going to take actions on this?
If you are going to keep this contest rated, Request you to update the ratings after flagging the plagiarism, and thus improving other’s ranks.
As there are only 1700 submissions, if possible, you guys can do manual check here as well. (Just a suggestion)
A firm answer needs to be given to these guys


I’m a poor discuss moderator, I’ve got nothing to do with this cheater hunting business, you should ask the moss admin for this.


@admin can something be done about this?

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