Was going through May Long challenge 2021 ,
found these suspicious account.
It seems their first contest contents(not everyone’s) . They cheated in group I guess because all have same code (they changed function name, variable name to make it look different )
Solved more 5-7 ques but all solutions have different template.(i guess those who use template uses same template everywhere)
@tourist1256 wow bro i just saw your submissions for ISS and THOUSES, they are exactly the same as the ones which are leaked in youtube!
You included that shitty fast io template for esacaping moss. Your main dfs function is exactly the same, just changed some variables.
I am pretty sure you didn’t understand what was the question all about. You just blindly copy pasted the solution given in youtube.
So before blaming others look at yourself.
Smart cheater you think that by changing variable names and inserting shitty templates no one will be able to catch you.
Shame on you!
Can you share the solutions from where he has copied ? so that we can compare.
Atleast have a look on timing submissions and then say anything… the attempts I take to solve ISS have a look on them and that template I include in my most of the codes… I have done the all the questions except the king killing one… before the leak… and If I copy pasted it then I must be that dumb enough to solve King Killing Question… If you have any doubt have a look on the SCALSUM problem of NOVEMBER also since then I am using that templates…
Aur agr tereko jyada lag rha hai maine copy paste kara hai to sun le THOUSE m ek trick ka use hua hai… 10%3 and 12%3 ka result 1 and 0 ayega to jab value assign karenge to shi value pe hamara flow jaa rha hai is liye dfs m sort pair se hua baki to sab normal hi hai usme … aur rhi baat tumhare ISS vale ki to maine gfg se euler totient ka implementation dekha hai aur shyd vo dekhne m koi burai ni hai…
. how can i contact with you ?
i mean give ur insta id or something like that
Dude please stick to English, not everyone here understands hindi
aur rhi baat tumhare ISS vale ki to maine gfg se euler totient ka implementation dekha hai aur shyd vo dekhne m koi burai ni hai…
for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
for(int j=2i;j<n;j+=i)
this piece of code you got in gfg?
Please share the link we all want to see!
Aur agr tereko jyada lag rha hai maine copy paste kara hai to sun le THOUSE m ek trick ka use hua hai… 10%3 and 12%3 ka result 1 and 0 ayega to jab value assign karenge to shi value pe hamara flow jaa rha hai is liye dfs m sort pair se hua baki to sab normal hi hai usme
Your entire code structure is same as that of the leaked ones!
Just accept it that you cheated!
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Do you know why he is replying back in hindi??
because he is now afraid to face the community!
I think you are crossing your limits… If you are thinking I have cheated you are free to report no one stops you…
Seriously! I saw one of these profiles and she has different templates in every code. Who uses different templates.
yes and i have reported your submissions!
Also congratulations for becoming 5 star
Thanks a lot
Instead of beefing here, I request everyone to please make a comment with the “@admin” tag and ask for recalculation of rating changes, I think that will be fair for all.
Don’t shit post if you can’t speak English
maine to bola hi nai ki runtime terror ne king killing leak nai kia tujhe kaise pata ohh tere se bhi last me hua tha aur haa tu konsa dudh ka dhula hai tera iss ka solution dekh maine pehle ke me aur last ke me bahut diffrence hai actually copied hai net se to aap kya kehna chahenge
I actually got the observation but my code was getting segmentation fault and I don’t why… this is it in case you’re curious. Also, I didn’t know about gcdsum and euler totient function before this contest.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void dbg_out(){ cerr << endl; }
template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
void dbg_out(Head H, Tail... T){ cerr << ' ' << H; dbg_out(T...); }
#define dbg(...) cerr << "(" << #__VA_ARGS__ << "):", dbg_out(__VA_ARGS__)
#define ll long long
#define f first
#define s second
const int K = 1e6, N = 4*K+2, M = 1e9+7;
int tt=1,n,k,x,y,m,p[K],phi[N];
ll a[K+1];
bitset<N> b;
vector<int> v,u;
ll ans;
void calc(int x){
cout << x <<" "<<v.size()<< "\n";
int k = (x-1)/2;
for(int i : v)
a[k] += phi[x/i]*i;
void re(int i, ll x){
bool g = (x==1);
for(ll j=p[i],y=1; j*x < N; j*=p[i],y++){
n = v.size();
for(int k=n-1; k>=0; k--){
if(v[k]*p[i] > N){
cout << v[k] << " " << p[i] << "\n"; break; }
// if(b[v[k]*p[i]]) break;
// v.push_back(v[k]*p[i]);
// b[v[k]*p[i]]=1;
if(!b[j]){ v.push_back(j); b[j]=1; }
a[(j-1) / 2] = (y+1)*j - y*(j / p[i]);
re(i+1, j*x);
b[v.back()] = 0;
re(i+1, x);
int main(){
ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
phi[0] = 0;
phi[1] = 1;
for(int i=2; i<N; i++)
phi[i] = i;
for(int i=2; i<N; i++) {
if(phi[i] == i){
for (int j = i; j < N; j += i)
phi[j] -= phi[j] / i;
for(int i=3; i<N; i+=2){
p[k++] = i;
cin >> tt;
cin >> k;
cout << a[k] << "\n";
return 0;
he hadn’t done iss himself cheated from internet and now posting shit on others post see hi profile last one running successfull and is similar to internet one and day before it using other template