Use this for anything related to plagiarism - Reporting cheating, appeals, etc

If anyone having doubt in my ISS solution then have a look at it
If more doubt then seek gfg then also if not satisfiedā€¦ canā€™t do anything about thatā€¦

Dude, what do you think people here are dumb enough to believe you? Youā€™ve literally copied the leaked solution line by line.
Our legendā€™s solution
Leaked Solution


bhai kisse kah rhe ho meri comment pe kyu reply kiya

Its so shameful to see that, this guy @tourist1256 who is talking about cheating in long challenge is one of the biggest cheater at codechef. Just have a look at his code and compare it to those leaked on youtube, heā€™s just a good code manipulator and nothing else lol. After he reached 5 star by cheating in each contest, heā€™s talking to regarding long challenge should be unrated lol. Have you guys ever seen a 5 star coder never getting a rank under 500 in short contest?, even he donā€™t have the guts to come in short contest because he canā€™t cheat this much, giving only two short contest at rating less than 1600 can never raise your rating to 2140, so donā€™t try to be oversmart else something can happen to your linkedin too, big shame on you and your parents, i repeat youā€™re just a good code manipulator!!! if someone is having good knowledge , they can easily see shit behind your long long codes lol.
Please upvote guys.


Have a look on that guy leaked video An Interesting Sequence full solution code may long challenge codechef - YouTube he leaked his solution on 15th May and My Solution which I wrote is on 14th of Mayā€¦ Now u tell how can I copy someoneā€™s code prior to his leakā€¦ Now you tell me how to approach this question in other way. do u have anyā€¦

Here I have to work hard thinking about code optimization, & on the other hand, solutions were sold for 10,20 rupees on telegram, and at the peak hour (last 2 days), solutions were made public on Youtube. Even some of the pro coder make fake account to show & sell their code in div2/div3 contest. This was my first long challenge & I will never be going to participate in long.

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What a lame excuse to hide your doing. You might be in some network of cheaters where the solution was leaked before otherwise how can your solution be exactly same as the leaked solution without even a difference of a single line. Guys just look at these 2 codes, do you really think it could be a coincidence ?.
His code

#define ll long long
#define IOS ios_base::sync_with_stdio(NULL);cin.tie(NULL);cout.tie(NULL);
using namespace std;

int n=4e6+7;

int main()
    int fac[n];
    int sum[n];
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    for(int p=2;p<n;p++)
        for(int i=2*p;i<n;i+=p)
    for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
        for(int j=2*i;j<n;j+=i)
    int t;
        int k;

Leaked code:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define endl "\n"

int main()
    int N = 4e6 + 5;
    int phi[N], ans[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        phi[i] = i;
        ans[i] = 0;
    for (int p = 2; p < N; p++)
        if (phi[p] == p)
            phi[p] = p - 1;
            for (int i = 2 * p; i < N; i += p)
                phi[i] = (phi[i] / p) * (p - 1);
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
        ans[i] += i - 1;
        for (int j = 2 * i; j < N; j += i)
            ans[j] += i * ((1 + phi[j / i]) / 2);
    int t;
    cin >> t;
    while (t--)
        int k;
        cin >> k;
        cout << ans[4 * k + 1] << endl;
    return 0;

youā€™re right bro, heā€™s just a good code manipulator lol. One of the biggest cheater talking about other cheaters. He himself reached 5star cheating all codes in long challenges and after reaching 5 star by cheating , heā€™s trying to raise voice to make long challenges unrated lol!. he donā€™t have the guts to participate and get under 1000 rank in short challenges lol

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Yeah, in this case he hasnā€™t even manipulated, he shamelessly copied line by line.

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We do long challenge for fun and learning not for ratingā€¦ because youā€™re beginner I advise not to care much about rating it.

Itā€™s because of these long challenge only freaks that the credibility of CodeChef 5 stars has gone down so badly.

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I was just looking through peopleā€™s submission for different approaches of Tree Houses.
Each and every single submission I open, it was just the exact same code. Even the variable names didnā€™t differ.

Few of the examples:
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (08-05-2021)
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (08-05-2021)
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (08-05-2021)
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (08-05-2021)
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (08-05-2021)
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (09-05-2021)

The contest was from 07-05-2021 to 17-05-2021. NOTE the dates they submitted.

These are just a few, like a drop of a water. There is an ocean with the same submission.


because he himself got his rating from cheating in long challenges only, heā€™s a five star coder and donā€™t have the guts to participate in long challenges and score atleast under 1000 rank lol, biggest cheater talking about other cheaters, he just submits every code by manipulating them and using long templates so that otherā€™s canā€™t observe it lol. Have a look at his code and match it with the leaked solution, since he raised his rating by cheating in long challenges now he wants to make it unrated so that otherā€™s canā€™t do what he did!!!

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Its so nice to see, a 5 star coder doesnā€™t have the guts to participate in short challenges and score under 1000 rank atleast, lol, but so shamelessly he got the guts to talk about cheating in long challenges.


codechef solutions are leaked even in lunch time and cook offs. Codechef cannot stop each and every cheater. cheating will happen. people who really solve on their own, even if their rank is bad will definitely progress in long term. people who cheat will fail in hiring challenges and interviews. so let the good people try and let the cheaters cheat :innocent:


i never wants to waste my time reading and commenting these things, but for this person @tourist1256 , i got the time to report his codes and ask @admin to check them for plagiarism(although i know codechef is nothing as compared to codeforces in plagiarism detection).


Even though I know that Euler totient should be applied to tackle these type of problems, but still, I was not able to solve ISSā€‹:joy::disappointed_relieved:. More intrestingly, in div 3, successful submission for ISS is 10 before 2 days of contest ending, and suddenly itā€™s successful submission increased to somewhere 900ā€‹:joy::joy::joy:

dude , he is not talking abt youtube leak , he is talking about leak in a website and ur code is exactly same except variable names

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