Use this for anything related to plagiarism - Reporting cheating, appeals, etc

I send request to you on discord
My name is revenge#1213

thatā€™s the height of shamelessness , donā€™t try to be oversmart you canā€™t solve a cakewalk problem on your own lol!

Let count[i] be the count of numbers with remainder i.
observe that if M%b%a = M%a,
then there always exists an integer k suck M%b = M%a + a * k
because of this rather than iterating over numbers for each a, weā€™ll iterate over all numbers that can be represented as M%a + a*k. weā€™ll run a loops backward with a = N to 1 and add the number of bā€™s for each a, which is the sum of count[M%a + a * k], for k=0 to a * k + M%a <= N. because in this M%b%a = (M%a + a * k)%a = M%a
Note that we only want to bā€™s that are b > a. So we donā€™t precompute count
we count as we go. So after we processed current a, weā€™ll do count[M%a]++.
My code.
Sorry if something wasnā€™t clear I am not quite used to writing long paragraphs on codechef. You can ask though whatever confuses you.

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Bruh it cannot be stopped as there is lot of time, take it as opportunity is grasp.

Somebody give this guy a medal facepalm


Read this entire thread @alalam !

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See the shamelessness of such people who post all solutions. The ā€œHurrayā€ā€¦

Being coders themselves, they must understand what it feels when one works hard to crack the solution and gets nothing but fall in ratings and people easily get up the ladder by cheating. I think the YouTube channels are the biggest scammers, who leak solutions in every contest, be it long challenge or cook off. Their channels must be reported and banned.


I was casually going through rankings and I encountered a guy who solved 8 questions out of 9 in just 1-2 hours (by the timings of his code submissions) and with 3 different languages. I mean who are you kiddinā€™ lmao

Its sad such things are happening. I just was hovering over 1st page (first 25) of ranklist and found these similar solutions for VPATH:

They are ranked 1, its shameful. (8/25 suggests on avg 32% plagiarised solnsā€¦damn!) @admin
Making the contest unrated will demotivate honest and enthusiastic solvers. The only solution i see is to find plagiarised solutions accurately.


So are we doing anything about this?

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I thought I had done quite well getting 530 points, solving all 3 tree problems but not the 2 maths problems. My rank slipped from 88 on day 5 to 1275 at the end, and my overall CodeChef rating has gone down a little. Still I have the satisfaction of really solving most of the problems by myself.


How on earth can you not solve HOWMANY in first time and after 12 days, solve ISS? And that too in a language that you donā€™t have any knowledge of? Please explain us how is this possible.


Maybe the long challenge was made so that people can solve all the problems given in it by any means as they have 10 days to solve 10 problems and in the process of solving it you will learn something from it.

I am not telling you to copy-paste the whole code as it is but understand it completely and rewrite it so that it completely becomes yours truly.

For example rewriting the whole code in different language like C, Python, Java, Fortran, JavaScript. With this process, you will learn a whole new language.

Experienced programmers donā€™t need to copy-paste the whole code as they can rewrite it in the same language and you will never know if it is copied or not as there are many different ways to write a single program.

It is better to understand others code and rewriting it in your way as it saves a lot of time in solving a problem. Why should I waste my time when I can understand others code and rewrite it in my own way and waste my precious time?

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I wish there was a downvote feature.


I want that thing he smokes.


Iā€™m no more an atheist, Iā€™ve seen god.


i just saw a blog on code force about May long challenge, there was a guy who had submitted 6 problems in the span of 5 minutes. Iā€™m glad that I didnā€™t participate this time. Codechef should think about rating distribution on a long challange.

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Maybe the long challenge was made so that people can understand the problem, gather all sort of information related to the topic they find helpful and use it in their approach, discover the areas uncovered by them in those 10 days, stress their code through series of self made test cases, deduce potential bugs and eradicate them and then learn something from it.

I am not telling you to make a whole new debugger for it but you can debug your code using the existing one and understand the basics of recursion and control statements through it, so that its replication truely represent yours.

For example debugging C, Python, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript. With this process you will learn debugging a whole new language.

Experienced programmers donā€™t need to copy-paste the whole code as they can copy paste testerā€™s solution and remove those debugging snippets and by that they will learn that there are many ways to overkill a simple program.

Itā€™s better to understand otherā€™s gibberish and Why should I take part in the contest itself when I can just understand the testerā€™s approach given in the editorial and then rewrite in my own way, and that too after the contest ends ?
In that way I will not ruin the contest for other honest competitors and save my precious time.


Yeah, your way to approach the long challenge is better.

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mail to with an indicative subject

It will work