Using Newton's Method for division up to certain precision using lists in Python

Hey guys, I have been trying to implement division of a number using Newton’s Method in Python. I studied about this method in an online lecture and am having trouble implementing it.
Link to the online lecture : Recitation 12: Karatsuba Multiplication, Newton's Method - YouTube
Instead of using floating point numbers I have used Python lists to represent the number.
The program takes two arguments (b and d) and is supposed to return the value of 1/b till d digits of precision. The program runs on the following formula :
where R = 10^d
In my code I have named: Xn as prev_num , Xn+1 as next_num , 2Xn as first_factor (as shown in the photo) , (Xn^2)*b/R as second_factor (also shown in photo)

def divide(b,d):

    prev_num = 1  #initial guess of 0.1

    first_factor = 2*prev_num
    first_factor_list = []
    for i in str(first_factor):

    if len(first_factor_list) < d:
        first_factor_list = first_factor_list + ['0']*(d-len(first_factor_list))
    if len(first_factor_list) > d:  
        first_factor_list = first_factor_list[:d]

    second_factor = ((prev_num)**2)*b
    second_factor_list = []
    for i in str(second_factor):
    if len(second_factor_list) > d:
        second_factor_list = second_factor_list[:d]
    first = int(''.join(first_factor_list))
    second = int(''.join(second_factor_list))

    next_num = first - second

    while abs(next_num - prev_num) > 1:
        prev_num = next_num
        first_factor = 2*prev_num
        first_factor_list = []
        for i in str(first_factor):
        if len(first_factor_list) > d:
            first_factor_list = first_factor_list[:d]
        if len(first_factor_list) < d:
            first_factor_list = ['0']*(d-len(first_factor_list)) + first_factor_list
        second_factor = ((prev_num)**2)*b
        second_factor_list = []
        for i in str(second_factor):
        if len(second_factor_list) > d:
            second_factor_list = second_factor_list[:d]

        first = int(''.join(first_factor_list))
        second = int(''.join(second_factor_list))
        next_num = first - second

The following code runs fine for b = 7 and d = 20.
Output :
The answer obtained in the end is correct and also the rate of convergence is quadratic.
In fact this code gives the correct answer for b = 3,4,5,6,7 while keeping d = 20 and the initial guess 0.1
However the following code goes in an infinite loop for all other values of b.
I have tried making several changes to the code but haven’t been able to solve this. I couldn’t find such an implementation on the internet either. Please help me in solving this issue.
Thank you.