UTLA - Editorial


Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2
Contest: Division 3
Contest: Division 4

Author: drishyam_420
Tester: jay_1048576
Editorialist: iceknight1093




Greedy/dynamic programming, careful implementation


You’re given an array A. Find the minimum number of elements that need to be deleted from it so that the remaining array satisfies

A_1+A_2 = A_3+A_4 = A_5+A_6 = \ldots = A_{2k-1}+A_{2k}


The final array must be such that it can be partitioned into k adjacent pairs, each having the same sum.
So, let’s fix what the final sum is, then try to find the longest array we can form that satisfies the condition.

Suppose we’ve fixed the sum to be S.
Let \text{pairs}_S be a list consisting of all pairs (i, j) such that A_i + A_j = S.
Note that \text{pairs}_S can be precomputed and stored for all S by simply iterating over all pairs of elements in A.

Suppose we choose to keep the pair (i, j) in the final array.
Then, notice that any other pair (i_2, j_2) must satisfy i_2 \gt j or j_2 \lt i.
That is, we must have either i_2 \lt j_2 \lt i \lt j or i\lt j\lt i_2\lt j_2, since we’re pairing i and j and hence can’t have i_2 or j_2 lie between them.

Thinking of it another way, we can consider the pair (i, j) to be the interval [i, j]. The above condition then means that any intervals we pick must be disjoint.

Our problem thus transforms to: given a list of intervals, find the maximum number of disjoint intervals that can be picked from them.

This is a classical problem, and can be solved greedily as follows:

  • Sort the intervals in increasing order of their right endpoints.
    That is, [l_1, r_1] comes before [l_2, r_2] if r_1 \lt r_2 (doesn’t really matter how ties are broken).
  • Let R_\text{max} denote the largest right endpoint we’ve encountered so far.
    Initially, R_\text{max} = -\infty
  • Then, for each interval [l, r] in this sorted list:
    • If l \leq R_\text{max}, ignore it
    • Otherwise, [l, r] is disjoint from all the intervals seen so far, so take it into the answer and set R_\text{max} := r

This greedy strategy is provably optimal.

If \text{pairs}_S has K intervals in it, this algorithm takes \mathcal{O}(K\log K) time, but that’s only because we need to sort the intervals since the greedy part is linear.
In the specific case of this problem, we can in fact create the intervals in sorted form, eliminating the need for sorting entirely.

That can be done by the following pseudocode:

for j in 1...n:
    for i in 1...j-1:
        pairs[a[i] + a[j]].append((i, j))

That is, by iterating over the right endpoint in increasing order and then iterating over the left endpoint.

The time complexity of this approach is \mathcal{O}\left(\sum_S len(\text{pairs}_S)\right), which is just \mathcal{O}(N^2) since each pair (i, j) appears in exactly one sum.

Since the values of A_i + A_j can be as large as 2\cdot 10^9, \text{pairs} will likely need to be a map of some kind.
Depending on the kind of map used, this adds an \mathcal{O}(\log N) or (expected) \mathcal{O}(1) to the time complexity.
Hashmaps (unordered_map or gp_hash_table in C++, dict in Python) in particular pass well within the time limit.

There are other solutions to this problem, for example using dynamic programming.
However, you’ll need to be reasonably careful when implementing such solutions, since too many map accesses or extra log factors will result in TLE.


\mathcal{O}(N^2 \log N) or expected \mathcal{O}(N^2) per test case.


Tester's code (C++)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define INF 1000000000000000000
#define MOD 1000000007

void solve(int tc)
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    int a[n];
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
        cin >> a[i];
    unordered_map<int,vector<pair<int,int> > > m;
    for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
        for(int i=0;i<j;i++)
    int ans = n;
    for(auto z:m)
        auto v = z.second;
        int mx = 0;
        map<int,int> dp;
        for(auto p:v)
            dp[p.second] = max(mx,dp[p.second]);
            auto it = dp.lower_bound(p.first);
            if(it == dp.begin())
            mx = max(mx,dp[p.second]);
        ans = min(ans,n-mx);
    cout << ans << '\n';

int32_t main()
    int tc=1;
    cin >> tc;
    for(int ttc=1;ttc<=tc;ttc++)
    return 0;
Editorialist's code (Python)
for _ in range(int(input())):
    n = int(input())
    a = list(map(int, input().split()))
    pairs = {}
    for j in range(n):
        for i in range(j):
            if a[i] + a[j] not in pairs: pairs[a[i] + a[j]] = []
            pairs[a[i] + a[j]].append(i*n + j)
    ans = 0
    for L in pairs.values():
        ct, right = 0, -1
        for x in L:
            i, j = x//n, x%n
            if i > right:
                ct += 1
                right = j
        ans = max(ans, 2*ct)
    print(n - ans)

can we solve it using the concept of longest increasing subsequence such that maintaining last three taken numbers and check if we can take 4th number or not , i tried this way but don’t know why my code is not working can anyone help me to debug my code
here is my code:

ll recursion(ll idx, ll prev_idx, ll n, ll a[],
vector<vector>&dp,ll prev1,ll prev2,ll prev3)
if (idx == n) {
// cout<<"\n";
return INT_MIN;

if (dp[idx][prev_idx + 1] != -1) {
    return dp[idx][prev_idx + 1];

ll notTake = 0 + recursion(idx + 1, prev_idx, n, a, dp,prev1,prev2,prev3);
ll take = INT_MIN;
if (prev_idx == -1 or prev3==-1 or prev1+a[idx]==prev3+prev2) {
    cout<<a[idx]<<" "<<idx<<" "<<prev1<<" "<<prev2<<" "<<prev3<<"\n";
    take = 1 + recursion(idx + 1, idx, n, a, dp,a[idx],prev1,prev2);
return dp[idx][prev_idx + 1] = max(take, notTake);


void solve()
ll n;
ll a[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
ll ans=recursion(0ll,-1ll,n,a,dp,-1ll,-1ll,-1ll);
// ans++;


auto solve() ->void{
    ll n; cin>>n;
    vl a(n); for(auto& i:a) cin>>i;
    map<ll,vector<pa>> mp;
    for(ll i=0;i<n;++i){
        for(ll j=i+1;j<n;++j){
            if(!mp.count(a[i]+a[j]) or i>mp[a[i]+a[j]].back()[1]){
    // for(auto [x,y]:mp){
    //     cout<<x<<":\t";
    //     for(auto i:y){
    //         cout<<i[0]<<" "<<i[1]<<" ";
    //     }
    //     cout<<endl;
    // }
    // cout<<endl;
    ll ans=n;
    for(auto [x,y]:mp) ans=min(ans,(ll)n-(ll)y.size()*2);
    // sort(all(a));
    // map<ll,set<ll>> mp;
    // for(ll i=0;i<n;++i) mp[a[i]].insert(i); 
    // map<ll,ll> ansm;

why i am getting wrong answer on last testcase

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Idea doesn’t look correct to me, I don’t see why you would expect it to work.

Your code looks like you’re greedily choosing pairs if it doesn’t intersect with the last chosen one, but without sorting them based on right endpoint first (which is the editorial’s solution).
This is wrong, for example consider

1 2 4 2 4 5

where the answer is 2 (delete the first and last element)

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I followed the editorial. It’s passing all the testcases except top 3 test files.

Please look into code : Code

Instead of minimizing n-2cnt.
I tried maximizing 2
cnt, then it got AC.
Can not figure out :frowning_face:
Please look into this AC Code : AC Code