Valid Path in Rectangle with Circles

link to question:

My Approach:

usinfg DFS with boolean array.As i traverse through graph for a node,i visit only nodes which are not visited till now and not lies in any one of the circle.and this process goes on for every visited node.
At last i check whether given node is visited or not.

my code passed base test cases.
but it gives runtime error(maximum rrecursion depth) for this case:

A : 41
B : 67
C : 5
D : 0
E : [ 17, 16, 12, 0, 40 ]
F : [ 52, 61, 61, 25, 31 ]
i am not able to find the bug?please help me

my code:

def solve(A, B, C, D, E, F):

    boo = [[0 for k in range(A+1)] for i in range(B+1)]

    def dfs(x,y):

        boo[y][x] = 1

        nei_x = [-1,0,1,-1,1,-1,0,1]

        nei_y = [1,1,1,0,0,-1,-1,-1]

        for nei in range(8):

            va1 = x+nei_x[nei]

            va2 = y+nei_y[nei]

            bo = False

            if 0<=va1<=A and 0<=va2<=B:

                 for cir in range(C):

                              va_1 = (va1-E[cir])*(va1-E[cir])

                              va_2 = (va2-F[cir])*(va2-F[cir])

                              if va_1+va_2 <= (D*D):

                                      bo = True

                 if bo==True:

                           boo[va2][va1] = -1


                 if boo[va2][va1] == 0:




    if boo[B][A] == 1:

        return "YES"

    return 'NO'