Video Editorials January 2020 Long Challenge, DYNAMO, CHFDORA, ISBIAS(2 Methods), BRKBKS

Chef and Dynamo (DYNAMO) - CodeChef January Long Challenge 2020- Chef and Dynamo(DYNAMO) - YouTube
Doraemon (CHFDORA) - CodeChef January Long Challenge 2020- Doraemon(CHFDORA) - YouTube
Equality (ISBIAS) - CodeChef January Long Challenge 2020- Equality(ISBIAS) - YouTube
Breaking Bricks(BRKBKS)- CodeChef January Long Challenge 2020- Breaking Bricks(BRKBKS) - YouTube

Equality (ISBIAS) (Short Method) - CodeChef January Long Challenge 2020- Equality(ISBIAS) (Short Method) - YouTube
More will be added soon. Videos will be made live at 3:00 pm when the contest ends.


The first 4 problems of Div 2 were already out. I saw it but kept quiet :joy:

7 days ago? :slight_smile:



bro no… i think the user who post solution is just try to make repository on github , but the users search alot on google so the google displays the result :slight_smile:


One reason why i plan to keep it this way😂

why in this solution im getting TLE for lasst two cases

can someone tell me,why we cant use manchar algo to find palindrome length for each row and each column.Then we take minimum of those two and divide it by 2 and add it to count.
In Manchar we can ignore palindrome between two characters.

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@pratapshiv You can . It’s an efficient solution

good initiative bro @aveek_123

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It was giving wrong answer for 5 subtasks.
Did you solve it that way?