Visual Studio Code extension for Competitive Programming

Hello All!

A competitive programming extension for VS Code!

I have created an extension for Visual Studio Code that makes testing, creating, and downloading testcases very easy. It is similar to CPPFastOlympicCoding for Sublime. Search within VS Code Extensions or download from link below. Works on Windows, Mac, Linux. You need to have G++ ( GCC ) installed.


Extension Name : Competitive Programming Helper

Store Link : Competitive Programming Helper (cph) - Visual Studio Marketplace


  • Add multiple testcases.
  • Download from Codeforces automatically.
  • Auto compile and run, shows compilation errors, run-time errors ( stack overflow, seg-faults etc).
  • GUI, no manual file editing.

Please try it out and give feedback. Please report issues/ send feature requests here : GitHub - agrawal-d/cph: Makes judging, compiling, and downloading problems for competitive programming easy.



IO run does not have GUI.
Mine is easy to use, with just button clicks.
You have to do everything manually in IO run.
Try both, choose what you like :slight_smile:

Does this support only C++?

Yep. Only .cpp files and only gcc/g++ compiler is supported for now

Nice efforts…!! @hereisdx

What happened if problem has multiple correct answer??


I have installed this . But the cph can submit codes for only codeforces problems. Can’t we use it for Codechef?
Plz Help.

no it’ s for codeforces only .

we can use it for codechef as well , when you are on the question page just click on the extension icon in the extension menu , it will automatically download all the test cases .

Yes but I can’t submit my code by just one click in codechef but can do with codeforces.