inCase = raw_input()
maxInt = 0
current = “”
cInt = [‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘4’,‘5’,‘6’,‘7’,‘8’,‘9’,‘0’]
LetterUse = False
index = 0
for element in inCase:
if(element in cInt): ## is a number
else: ## is a letter
if(LetterUse == True):
if(inCase[index-1] in cInt): ## previous element was a number
current=inCase[index-1] + "9"
else: ## prev index not a number start from scratch
current = "9"
LetterUse = True
if(int(current) > maxInt):
maxInt = int(current)
print maxInt
Hey guys I really enjoyed the short contest this month and though I would solve 2 problems for sure but it seems that my code for ALETHIO has a bug which I wasn’t able to correct in time, and still can’t identify. Maybe another set of eyes will be able to help me out. I was thinking maybe the problem could be in the index I was using to check previous elements or the fact that I use a boolean variable but never set it false, but I haven’t been able to come up with cases that verify this. Thanks in advance for any insights. 
I found some of the test cases where your solution fails DDD (your answer=“99”, correct answer=“9”), DD3333D (your answer=“933339”, correct answer=“93333”)… refer this
i need help on this … I dont know on which test case does this fail.
If someone has some good test cases then pl tell me where does my code fails.
@gauravdrocker Your code if failing for pure numbers!! try “12”, the o/p your getting is 912, while it must be “12”
Forgive me if I am incorrect, but are you sure? I copied the code directly from this question, saved it as a python 2.7 file and ran it on the cases you have given. Yet for me it returns the answers you have specified as being correct.
I took your code from CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
I mostly refer to a codechef successfully ran code… but ya both differs… well I will test the one you pasted too…
Ah I understand the confusion now. Please test your input on my 2nd most recently submitted solution or just use the code I posted here. I made this foolish move on last official submission out of desperation 
I did… all cases passed succesfully acc to me… hvgFs9 - Online Python Interpreter & Debugging Tool -
Now if you want more test cases, refer this, though the author of this solution haven’t got AC, but the same thing, we cant guess that case… and also if my solution(CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone) can help you, since it got the third fastest submission in Python, it might serve some help
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I did come across this case that my code fails. A70N2 correct answer: 7092 my answer: 970