What am i missing in this BFS

I am attempting the SHOP Question of SPOJ

However i am getting wrong answer for the code below

Now can anyone help me please i am posting this question second time first time i titled it “What to do” and got no answer but now i really want to know whats going wrong in my code

umm i have a problem regarding the same question but it gives me wrong answer but i get correct for the test cases and even i tried some wierd test cases i still get correct but the online judge gives me WA somebody help me out

here is the link to my code ay2W05 - Online Python3 Interpreter & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com

__author__ = 'Achut'

from collections import deque
class vertex:
    def __init__(self,c,a,b):
        self.node = c
        self.occup = 0
        self.count = -1
        self.x = a
        self.y = b
    while True:
        m,n = map(int, input().split())
        if m == n == 0:
        a = []
        start_x,start_y = 0,0
        for i in range(n):
            s = input()
            x = []
            for c in s:
                z = vertex(c,i,len(x))
                if c is "S":
                    start_x,start_y = i,len(x)-1

        queue = deque()
        a[start_x][start_y].occup = 1
        ans =[]
        while queue:
            t = queue.pop()
            if t.x - 1 >= 0:# and a[t.x - 1][t.y].occup == 0:
                if a[t.x - 1][t.y].node != 'D' and a[t.x - 1][t.y].node != 'X' and a[t.x - 1][t.y].node != 'S':
                    if a[t.x - 1][t.y].count < 0 or a[t.x - 1][t.y].count > t.count + int(a[t.x - 1][t.y].node):
                        a[t.x - 1][t.y].count = t.count + int(a[t.x - 1][t.y].node)
                    #a[t.x-1][t.y].occup = 1
                        queue.appendleft(a[t.x - 1][t.y])
                elif a[t.x - 1][t.y].node == 'D':

            if t.x + 1 < n:# and a[t.x + 1][t.y].occup == 0:
                if a[t.x + 1][t.y].node != 'D' and a[t.x + 1][t.y].node != 'X' and a[t.x + 1][t.y].node != 'S':
                    if a[t.x + 1][t.y].count < 0 or a[t.x + 1][t.y].count > t.count + int(a[t.x + 1][t.y].node):
                        a[t.x + 1][t.y].count = t.count + int(a[t.x + 1][t.y].node)
                    #a[t.x+1][t.y].occup = 1
                        queue.appendleft(a[t.x + 1][t.y])
                elif a[t.x + 1][t.y].node == 'D':

            if t.y - 1 >= 0:# and a[t.x][t.y-1].occup == 0:
                if a[t.x][t.y - 1].node != 'D' and a[t.x][t.y - 1].node != 'X' and a[t.x][t.y - 1].node != 'S':
                   if a[t.x][t.y - 1].count < 0 or a[t.x][t.y - 1].count > t.count + int(a[t.x][t.y - 1].node):
                        a[t.x][t.y-1].count = t.count + int(a[t.x][t.y-1].node)
                   # a[t.x][t.y-1].occup = 1
                elif a[t.x][t.y-1].node == 'D':

            if t.y + 1 < m:# and a[t.x][t.y+1].occup == 0:
                if a[t.x][t.y+1].node != 'D' and a[t.x][t.y+1].node != 'X' and a[t.x][t.y+1].node != 'S':
                    if a[t.x][t.y + 1].count < 0 or a[t.x][t.y + 1].count > t.count + int(a[t.x][t.y + 1].node):
                        a[t.x][t.y+1].count = t.count + int(a[t.x][t.y+1].node)
                    #a[t.x][t.y+1].occup = 1
                elif a[t.x][t.y+1].node == 'D':

        ans = sorted(ans)