What is wrong with my submission to Bear and Species


I’m trying to submit my solution to Bear and Species (SPECIES Problem - CodeChef). I’m getting runtime error (NZER) on subtask 2 and 3, and WA in subtask 1.

But I couldn’t figuring out what is/are wrong with my solution. All the unit test cases that I could of think of pass locally when I tested my code.

Would be great if some one who’s smarter than me can help spot the issues. Thank you!

Here’s the latest submission:

Bear and Species


## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Solution_1(object):
    """My Solution 1"""

    def solve(self, N, grid):
        # print 'grid:'
        # for row in grid:
        #     print row

        dirs = [(-1,0),(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1)]  # clockwise from top

        def inrange(v):
            return (0 <= v) and (v < N)

        visited = [[0 for _ in xrange(N)] for _ in xrange(N)]
        def dfs(r, c, v):
            assert visited[r][c] == 0, 'Should not visit something already visited!!!'
            visited[r][c] = 1
            grid[r][c] = v
            neighbors = [(r+y,c+x) for (y,x) in dirs if (inrange(r+y) and inrange(c+x))]
            for r2,c2 in neighbors:
                if grid[r2][c2] == '?' and visited[r2][c2] == 0:
                    dfs(r2, c2, v)

        for r in xrange(N):
            for c in xrange(N):
                v = grid[r][c]
                if v in ('B', 'P') and visited[r][c] == 0:

        # Need to clear the visited dict.
        # visited = [[0 for _ in xrange(N)] for _ in xrange(N)]
        for r in xrange(N):
            for c in xrange(N):
                visited[r][c] = 0
        num_dots = 0

        # print 'grid:'
        # for row in grid:
        #     print row

        res = 0
        for r in xrange(N):
            for c in xrange(N):
                if visited[r][c]:
                v = grid[r][c]
                neighbors = [(r+y,c+x) for (y,x) in dirs if (inrange(r+y) and inrange(c+x))]
                if v == '?':
                    Qs = 0
                    for r2,c2 in neighbors:
                        v2 = grid[r2][c2]
                        if v2 == 'G':
                            return 0
                        elif v2 == '?':
                            Qs += 1
                    num = 2 if Qs else 3
                    # print '\tassigning num={} at ({},{})'.format(num, r,c)
                    res = num if (res == 0) else res * num
                    dfs(r, c, '-')
                    grid[r][c] = num
                elif v == 'G':
                    # If the cell is a grizzly and one of its neighbors is NOT
                    # empty, then there can be no coexistence.
                    for r2,c2 in neighbors:
                        v2 = grid[r2][c2]
                        if v2 != '.':
                            return 0
                elif v in ('P', 'B'):
                    for r2,c2 in neighbors:
                        v2 = grid[r2][c2]
                        if v2 == 'G':
                            return 0
                        elif v2 == 'B' and v == 'P':
                            return 0
                        elif v2 == 'P' and v == 'B':
                            return 0
                elif v == '.':
                    num_dots += 1
                visited[r][c] = 1

        # print 'grid:'
        # for row in grid:
        #     print row

        MOD = int(1e9+7)
        return (res + MOD) % MOD if res else (1 if num_dots < (N*N) else 0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solution = Solution_1

class Driver(object):

    def run(self):
        T = int(raw_input().rstrip())
        for t in xrange(T):
            N = int(raw_input().rstrip())
            grid = []
            for i in xrange(N):
                l = str(raw_input())
                row = list(l.rstrip())
                assert len(row) == N, 'Expects rows to be of length {} in {}-th test case, but got size {} in the {}-th row. Line=\"{}\"'.format(N, t, len(row), i, l)
            soln = Solution()
            res = soln.solve(N, grid)
            print res
            # print '----------------------'

def main():
    driver = Driver()

if __name__ == '__main__':