Which is the best coding platform for kids?

I would like to teach my daughter programming. Which would be the best coding platform for kids? Could someone please help me?

Are you talking about CP or Development area stuff?

you can try HackerRank.com for Beginner to Advanced level Coding
HackerRank is very user friendly for starting and there is a nice arrangement of questions for your desired language, it will start from basic syntax stuff and take you to logic building and designing the algorithm.


I think its P5js . Its the best way a kid can start leaning programming .
p5 is more interactive , powerful , Colorful and quite enjoyable for kids .

Strt with the basics first…then move tohttps://beginnersbook.com/…After that Hackerrank.com.

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I don’t think Kids should learn Coding. It’s important that to understand Programming (or even to be able to learn Scratch), one should have completed their 7th Standard of Schooling. Anyways, I suggest Hackerrank since it is one of the best sites for Learning Programming.

Thank you all for your response. Surely, I will check the site which you have mentioned here. While searching on the internet, I came to know about Cyber Square. Have you heard about it?