Why doesn't Codechef put editorials of all problems !

Is there nobody answerable to providing editorials of contest problems. Let go other open and unrated contests, we are talking about monthly rated contests. Several times the editorials don’t appear not even the unofficial ones, particularly to tough problems. Besides, not to ignore the fact that for even the other problems it takes a minimum of 3 days to put the editorials.

Come on Codechef, this hasn’t happened the first time.


I strongly support this. It hasbecome quite frequent that editorials of hard problems are not put up anymore. Previously, they had very well written editorials for all problems which helped to learn a lot. even for challenge problems.

I would also suggest those who solve the harder problems to write an unofficial editorial themselves. would help us amateurs to learn greatly.


I agree, this problem is becoming prevalent. I will try to talk to @admin on this. I was thinking that if the entire editorial isnt possible, the contest admin/editorialist can post the brief setter’s solution to the problem. Need your views on this- do you think it will at least partially solve the problem? (The punctuality of editorials depend a lot on the editorialist, and other factors like- if the problems were changed at a short notice &etc)


The complete editorials for December 18 long challenge aren’t out yet. There are editorials for the easier problems but given that more people solve the easy problems there are unofficial editorials for them on the forum anyway. And on top of that there is the January 19 long challenge, and December cook off and other contests. If cc is not able to handle so many contests then rather than spoiling the quality, they should focus on a few but well done contests. As of now, if one is unable to solve one of the harder problems, then one is left to the mercy of the admins, who don’t bother to put up the editorials anyway. Extremely shabby and unacceptable way to conduct a platform in my opinion.


I agree that editorials should be posted. It’s correct that other users’ submissions can be viewed, but it doesn’t solve the problem entirely - usually they’re over simplified solutions and “translating” them can be tiring, but also it’s important to have an explanation of how the setter was thinking when he was posting the problem.


I feel that a short sketch of the solution should be prepared during the contest itself, and atleast that should be posted so that we have some idea. The detailed editorial may take time to make. that is quite understandable, since CC makes quite high quality editorials. Still I would say editorials of the last 2-3 problems should be made, as those are really difficult to get by urself even after trying usually.


Remove this post because now editorials are being uploaded just after the end of the contest!!:slightly_smiling_face:

Perhaps the admin are willing to give some rewards to those who publish the editorials?