Why my dp solution not working!


Can you help me find bug in my code, I have already solved it with iterative dp but when I’m solving this with recursive solution it is giving wrong output for some TC’s.

static int dri(Pair[] ll, int w, int h, int pw, int ph, int n) {
    if (n == 0) {
        if (ll[n].w > w && ll[n].h > h && ll[n].w < pw && ll[n].h < ph) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    if (dp[n] != -1)
        return dp[n];
    if (ll[n].w > w && ll[n].h > h && ll[n].w < pw && ll[n].h < ph) {

        int count = 1 + dri(ll, w, h, ll[n].w, ll[n].h, n - 1);

        count = Math.max(count, dri(ll, w, h, pw, ph, n - 1));

        return dp[n] = count;

    } else {
        return dp[n] = dri(ll, w, h, pw, ph, n - 1);


Pair Class -

 class Pair {
    int w, h, flag, id;
    Pair(int w, int h, int id) {
        this.w = w;
        this.h = h;
        this.id = id;


And the sorting method –

  Arrays.sort(ll, new Comparator<Pair>() {

        public int compare(Pair a, Pair b) {
            if (a.w == b.w)
                return a.h - b.h;
            else {
                return a.w - b.w;

When ever the envelope is bigger than my letter I get two choices whether to take it or not and in all other cases I will simply wouldn’t take it in any condition, that’s exactly what I did, but somehow I’m getting wrong answer. I know I have done a stupid mistake which I can’t find.

For full code -
