is codechef is increasing number of contests?
if this is so, then we will be very happy that codechef will also have more contests like codeforces
and codehcef should increase div2 contest as well
The first starters was cancelled 2-3 times, seems like a compensation to me.
but div3 problems are not much harder only last two problems are easy-medium or medim type so , this is not big deal for codechef to increase number of div3 short contests?
They already have a bunch of rated contests, can’t disagree with you though.
where is bunch of contests there is only two contests in months which is rated for div2
cookoff and lunchtime
I’m talking about div3
oh my bad for div3 there is 10 days long contests and starters as well that is enough
I assume I didn’t read it
Time to go back to div 3 :’)
Can’t agree more
I think CC wants that every div3 guy should be in Div2 before august
Okay! So Codechef is going to organize 2 starters every month rated for div-3 from now.
Hey, Codechef you should also think a little bit about other divs too… instead of giving one more starter to div-3 you can increase a short form contest rated for all divs.
A compensation forever…Hmm…
Just a simple marketing stunt, more Div-3 contests, more newcomers, more popularity of Unacademy courses, more subscriptions… Codeforces doesn’t hold a lot of Div-3 and their Div-3 is also thinking-oriented compared to Div-3 of CodeChef…
But hands down, Codechef’s Long Challenge is unbeatable!
If you have issues with the platform just leave it and don’t participate right? What’s the point of shitposting here ?