Wierd Partial Score TRIP2 LTIME75B

Have a look at this code for the Problem TRIP2 in Ltime75B


It got AC on the 70 points subtask with orignal constraints and 0 on 30 points subtask of K=2

Could someone explain how did this happen?

Edit: This seems to be the case with many other codes as well.

In fact, there were more 70 point submissions than 100 point ones.

Only just woken up, but … what should the output be for:

3 2
-1 -1 2 


The output is:
2 1 2

Ding ding ding :slight_smile:

[otherpeoples]>echo "1
> 3 2
> -1 -1 2 
> " | ./fred576-TRIP2
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Yes but then, orignal constraints should fail as well

Weak Test Cases #20 char

@admin Could you please look into this?