Will we be getting a username change feature soon?

I read somewhere that the team is implementing this feature? Is it true?

@admin @emperor100 ???

Hi @scf44cts

We are working on the feature and is expected to go live by the end of this month.

If you are interested in joining the testing group, please let me know your preferred username.

i’m intrested
preffered username (new) - yvmr_33
old - yvmr_23

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This feature was much needed

@emperor100 I am interested
username: me_explorer

Hii. Interested in username change testing.
from aaryanspl to Arya(if available), else Arya_18, else future_deceased

Preferred username: diving_deep

Hi @ujjwala0001 @deeping_dive @yvmr_23 @quantumpanda18

I have sent you an email with further instructions.

Hi there! It changed to a preferred username.
I haven’t faced any issues till now. I will put them up here, if any.
Kudos folks!!

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How did you change username?

Preferred Username: Ironman2003

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