Wrongly Penalized because Problem is too easy

Hi ,I am writing down here because in previous contest Starter 136(DIV 2) . I don’t cheat still accused for Plagiarism. The problem if my first geometry and i was able to solve this question in just 3-4 minute by observing the test case the problem is very easy and its 1st question of DIV 2 still from last 3-4 contest in DIV 2 i was able to solve 2 or 3 problem in every contest . i didn’t share my code with anyone. I am a competitive programming enthusiast. here the code
</>#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
// your code goes here
int t;
string s;
int cnt=0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
}else if(cnt==4)
}else if(cnt==3)
}else if(cnt==2)

first one is mine. I am not afraid of rating. i don’t want to see a cheater sign on my profile. i know my capability to reach this rating again but i don’t want to loss my profile or cheater sign on my profile.

Don’t let my hard work go in vain.

here is my codeforces and leetcode account link you can see that i am practicing on daily basis

codeforces - rish122
leetcode - RishD789

i am unable to add link in this topic

please remove the flag from my account and restore my rating @admin

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same thing happened with me

@emperor100 sir please look into my case.
I solved the problem by myself.


@codechef @admin please reply , no response on my mail , no response on my topic , please help me out

Hi @rish122

We have reviewed your case, your rating will be reverted in few days.

Hi, I have mailed the codechef team twice this week, but no response has been taken, my rating has been reduced and account is flagged. I took part in Codechef Starter 136(Division 4) and was accused of plagiarism. The problem "my first geometry " was accused to match with some other contestant. I assure you that I have no indulgence in cheating, copying of code or sharing my code. I have been constantly giving contests with honesty and sincerity. I was never accused of cheating or plagiarism before. It was just a matter of coincidence that my code matches with some other contestant. Please look into my case and restore my rating. It’s not just about rating but a cheating flag on my profile.
Please review my case at your earliest convenience.

@codechef @admin please reply, please response and look into my topic