Wrongly Penalized in CodeChef Starters 142 C

Respected @admin,

I am writing this to you to inform you that I am wrongly penalized for my submission of 4th problem i.e NUMHUNT in CodeChef Starters 142 C. Regarding my submissions in Starters 142 Division 2, I solved all the 3 questions very much honestly and have not used any cheating tool. Even if you check my recent records I have solved all my problems on my own and never had done any malpractice. It took me 25 contests to reach division 2 only. In this contest also, I have silver the third question on my own with brute force of multiplying the next two prime numbers from a given number. If you check other submissions that are matching with me, it can be an co-incidence or they may have used the same way as I did. Even if you check function names and some variable names, they are totally different. About problem number 3, there was only one brute force approach to solve this problem. This can be also the reason why my and their answers are similar.
I have solved all contests very much honestly till now and solved this one also. I have not done any malpractice or have not violated any rule mentioned in CodeChef Code Of Conduct. It is only a coincidence that others are thinking in the same way and using similar code writing styles.
Kindly review my application.
Thanking you,