Zco 2024 discussion

How was everyone’s zco contest? Did you find the problems more or less challenging than last year’s?

I got 55 in ZCO and today morning I got to know that I cleared the cutoff for class 9 :slight_smile:
I didnt give zco last year so cant tell if this time was more or less challenging…

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how long have you been doing cp ?

Iv been doing cp seriously for a bit more than 2 months

Is there anything you would recommend to prepare effectively? also in general do you write codes for a few subtasks or for the entire code?

Well, I’v been following this udemy course ( Competitive Programming Essentials, Master Algorithms 2023 ) which is pretty good and covers a lot of topics so you could try that. Also do as many contests as you can and upsolve the ones you couldn’t do later (the last few problems in a contest get a bit too hard and go over my head, so I leave those).
As for attempting a subpart or the entire code, I first try to write a simple (might not be the most efficient) code that works for smaller test cases and then later optimize it.

Thank you and I will check out the things you have mentioned :slightly_smiling_face: . Do you use CodeForces for the contests or do you stick with CodeChef?

Are there any algorithms (apart from dp) that you found important?

I am generally active on codeforces. I dont use codechef much.
There are quite some algorithms that are useful in some cases but none as frequent as dp (at least in zco and inoi problems). There are greedy algos, Divide and Conquer algorithms, Binary Search, some number theory and combinatorics stuff that you should learn if you havent already. Basicly all that is there in that course I mentioned before are useful and you should check them out.

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Thank you and I will definitely try out the course you recommended!

Much easier than last time’s.

Bro which topics of graphs are important for INOI ???
Any other important topics for INOI ???
I am a begineer how do I prepare for INOI in 10 days
btw how many marks did you obtain???
you are in class 9 right ???

hey , did yall write zco again this year?
@mannshah1211 @peeliah @nikunjzco

No, will directly give inoi this year

any tips on INOI?