ZIO20001 - Editorial

Editorialist : Venkatakrishnan A
Problem Link : https://www.iarcs.org.in/inoi/2020/zio2020/zio2020-question-paper.pdf

Short Explanation of Question : We are asked to find the number of points such that the Manhattan Distance (mentioned in the problem) is atmost S.

Pre-requisites : Basic recursion.

Solution :

This is clearly a Dynammic Programming problem, because here we have overlapping sub-problems, which are related by a recursion.

State of DP : Let dp[N] be the number of such points such that the Manhattan Distance is atmost N.

Base Case : dp[0] = 1, dp[1] = 5.

Some Mathematics:

We have to find the number of solutions to the equation

                                 |x| + |y| = S

which is calculated to be

                         4*S(S-1)/2 + 1 = 2S(S-1) + 1

So, we have

                             dp[S] = 2S(S-1) + 1

Thus calculating the value of dp[S+1] too, we get the recursion

                              dp[S+1] = dp[S] + 4

Code : https://ideone.com/rvWbaU


Subtask 1 : S=4
Answer : 41

Subtask 2: S=10
Answer: 221

Subtask 3: S=23
Answer: 1105

Thank you. :slight_smile: