A request to CC , and all participants

Rule #420 : Fake profiles created for posting shit are not allowed to talk about sense.


Okay boomer!

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:sweat_smile: 100% true

the username though :flushed:

Okay. Can you guys just stop complaining about cheating in Long Challenges?
Cheating means more competition to other participants because now you’ve got more 1000 people to beat.
Blessing in Disguise? Maybe. :slightly_smiling_face:


sorry,wanted to change it but can’t change though :sweat_smile:

great…never thought in this way

@amitsyadav yeah, because he didn’t tell about those users who are competiting with more than 3 accounts in the same contest.

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atcoder is good but sometimes they blindly copy problems.

what an irony , biggest cheater of codechef itself is posting abt cheating
:joy: :joy: :joy:

who, @ssrivastava990 ??

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do you have any proof ??

not that i can reveal, but moss has somany :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

If that’s the case then how you are different ??

i cant retain my deleted fb messages , otherwise there were tens of proofs

I just loved this Long i really learnt hardcore concepts and some weird overflows. This contest is very much balanced as Difficulty is rising linearly with problems not Exponentially. (LoL :joy:) . My love towards CodeChef is increasing with every contest. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:.
Now let me Just try again that Dragon Den question, banging my head on this from tomorrow. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:
BTW very Well written @ssrivastava990.


@ssrivastava990 I agree with you on this,Your graph Motivates me a lot and yeah Practice makes a man perfect.

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