A request to CC , and all participants

If it is unrated i don’t think more than 2k participants will there :roll_eyes:

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Codechef should conduct more short contests.Also long rating system should be updated…i mean we should not see big rating changes in long challenge they can restrict the delta change for long challenges.


Yeah here i totally agree , cc can separate the rating for long and combined for short :slight_smile:

If you want only short challenges to be considered, why not switch to codeforces?


thinking of starting a petition to ban @ssrivastava990 from posting on Codechef discuss


Go ahead :slight_smile:


Hahahaa I’ll tell you.
I used to be shit scared of losing my ratings and only attempted long challenges. So I made a new id to attempt short contests. Turns out, the new id is now 5 star and the old one is still 4 star.


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Doesn’t seem to be taking off

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already has eight signatures yo


Do you actually think anything will be done though, even if you reach some x number of signatures? CodeChef barely even bans cheaters in a short period of time, and only if the community makes a huge outrage about it


Haha I did it only for light-hearted humor since he playfully said to ‘Go Ahead’.

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Tbh surprising that it already has so many, though


Damn 18 people even signed this😂 and even being shared in telegram and whatsapp group

Yeah, I am mostly there only. I was just giving my opinion. I am not good at long challenges anyway so short contests are my personal preference. I am just saying that cheating in long makes codechef rating less important in terms to evaluate yourself.

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Brave of you to think that we get respect at Expert :rofl:


Good, actually needed :rofl:

Lmao, I havent used codechef in the last 3-4 months. But is cheating on the rise these days? I used to sweat it out on div 2. And used to be so demotivated when i would see that so many people have solved a problem that I couldn’t do for 3-4 days. Thinking I was dumb. Wonder how many of them were cheating…


I believe that the format of long challenges needs some modification. There was an interesting topic posted here about having no different divisions in long challenges. I think that will be beneficial. On the other hand, there’s nothing that really codechef can do to curb cheating. They can can surely be better at catching it, but its a slow process. Another thing to consider is that there are false positives when using MOSS and results so have to be manually reviewed when challenged(I have first hand experience of this). I personally think Long challenges are helpful until a certain point, after which they become a contest where you are sure to lose rating if you miss a trick in even one medium question. I have a few high rated friends who don’t want to donate points and thus don’t participate for the same reason. I think long challenges should have a separate rating all together.

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Agreed. :hearts: