Ajay Kumar Verma >>>> 10 * tourists

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is he India’s best coder bro?

Naaa . Its pretty clear . (Not talking about the guy mentioned above) Long challenge guys first submit from fake account in Div2 , then , if , they somehow manage to solve(or get solutions from chor baazaar) to get a good enough rank for their rating , then they submit everything in 1 go on the last day .

Long Challenge is basically the motivation to cheat for many . India would have many great coders if long challenge was scraped . Then , many talents wont take the easy cheating way and try hard for actual short contests.


Are you kidding.

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That’s why they cry for rating predictors every now and then XD


you were right he got that one too

And this post will be taken down soon as well , as it happened the last time xd

Provide constructive feedback on long/criticize and they will delete your post/comments :stuck_out_tongue:


I see no god up here, other than me XD
(being sarcastic only :P)

Very true. I wish they ever bothered to give a second thought to these plagiarised challenges

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my main motive of sharing was, he was not expected to do this…you are already in google, a 7 star coder and then you are doing this…really not expected this thing

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Only if they could show such type of performances in short contests , we would have countless LGMs(Legendary Grandmasters) in India <3

Gennady would be really depressed lol by seeing such brilliant performances in short contests by our (ONLY)long challenge Indians :stuck_out_tongue:


Is he someone well known? Why would someone at Google, do like this, when he has nothing to prove.

that false obsession for ratings doesn’t spares anyone

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There is a famous saying : “Old habits of long challenge guys never go away”

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no, actually I don’t know him. I was just looking at the rank list for India in Div1 and then I found him. I looked into his profile and even in short challenges he had performed well but these submissions looked suspicious to me so I just make a post for it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you guys have any idea who is this guy or who are these guys ?:
rgb_icpc1 | CodeChef User Profile for RGB | CodeChef
rgb_icpc2 | CodeChef User Profile for MuSong An | CodeChef
rgb_icpc3 | CodeChef User Profile for RGB_ICPC3 | CodeChef
rgb_icpc4 | CodeChef User Profile for RGB_ICPC4 | CodeChef
rgb_icpc6 | CodeChef User Profile for RGB_ICPC6 | CodeChef
rgb_icpc8 | CodeChef User Profile for RGB_ICPC8 | CodeChef
rgb_icpc9 | CodeChef User Profile for RGB_ICPC9 | CodeChef
rgb_icpc10 | CodeChef User Profile for RGB_ICPC10 | CodeChef

account number 2 and 9 are currently on the top of Div1 and Div2 leaderboards

yeah I only know 2 and 9 as they are on the top in respected divisions

I think everyone knows ? North Koreans are famous for cheating in codechef long challenges, they participate in teams in long challenge and have been caught on many occasions. 90% of the times, they were overlooked , even after north korean guys kept bringing rank 1 in long challenge by submitting all solutions in last 5 minutes of long .

Here is the complete story :

North koreans occupy the top 3 positions in september long challenge - #7 by truly_great

Codechef closes all such posts lol .

Most of the North Koreans , having multiple fake accounts of 7*just by cheating lol .

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