Any suggestions, for CCDSAP

I am appearing for CCDSAP advance on 21st july. It will be nice if anyone have some suggestions for me.


+1. What level are you appearing in?

Any tips for CCDSAP on 21st July? I heard the papers are very difficult? :frowning:

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If it is foundation level, then don’t worry about it. It’s a piece of cake.

I am appearing for Advance level​:sweat_smile::cold_sweat:

Make sure you are thorough with everything in the syllabus, AND do not rush! Think over the problems instead of directly attacking them no matter how direct/obvious the solution seems. And just give it like any normal cookoff/LTIME - dont take stress. :slight_smile:


Mock test for advance level seems not that hard. I hope same for the exams.

I believe they will make exams just to test if you have been through syllabus or not. If you know syllabus it shouldn’t be tough for you. My experience of Jan CCDSAP adv level says it’s easy if you prepare well.
Think a little bit more even if you feel que is easy/ tough as @vijju123 said.
Be confident !
Good luck !


what is the difficulty lunchtime division 1??I am also appearing on 21st July for advanced level

Depends on if you know syllabus or not. Its very easy to qualify if you have prepared

I have not whole syllabus(advanced DP,very few graph algorithms and lazy propagation is left)

okay try to cover as much as possible.

can you give me some good lazy propagation links

problems or tutorial ?


check youtube videos. I learnt lazy from those videos.

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Some segment tree and lazy propagation problem

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Mock tests do not cover all topics. Dont trust them blindly.


What you heard is right.Advanced Paper was very tough

So will u clear it or not??

Damn! How was your experience though?