Cant Run Cant Submit Cant Load.. Cant do anything

Not Able to do anything on the site… But the clock seems to run fine.
I request @admin to please unrate this contest because we are not able to see whether the submission is right or wrong.


Same problem with me :expressionless:


Codechef should make this round unrated.


Atleast extend the time

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Yes, contest should be unrated


i submitted the first problem 10 mins ago and still it is running. If that is suppose to be the case for the cakewalk problem imagine the submission time for the other problems.


Cakewalk problems will have more submission

may be codechef compiler get quanrantined


might be codechef is facing web CORONA that is DDOS Attack
I am not also able to submit by the way.
Surely this round must be unrated


IDE seems to be down…unable to make any submission… :frowning:

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@admin please respond we are unable to submit


500 error again !

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Ya it must be unrated

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I think codechef should seriously improve there errors or make several other beta version sites(like codeforces) so that the people are atleast able to view the problems

Dont know when will these guys learn from Codeforces/LeetCode/TopCoder that how to host short contests…Its not the first time this has happened…I request to make the contest unrated and make some Beta/Meta sites to keep up the standard of Codechef…


Yes , It must be unrated as solution is not submitting & getting 500 internal server error too many times.

Have you all seen the new announcement ??
Could someone explain me what will happen due to this ?? Can it happen that now I won’t be given any verdict (Like AC, WA, TLE etc.) even if I submitted. In that case the contest should really be unrated as there is no point if the user is not able to see if his programme is wrong or not.

Due to large participation, the submission queue has grown very long, and we are removing most of the test files from problems. They will be added back after the contest, during a System Test phase, where all the submissions will be rejudged. Also, you can only make 1 submission per 2 minutes.

simply it will be unrated only as previous 3 lunchtimes last year were.

Yup same

fuck! all hard work goes to nothing!

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