Google Kickstart Round B Editorial

Hello Codechef Community, Here are the video editorials for today’s held Google Kickstart Round B 2021. Each and every problem along with their solutions are explained in detail.

Below are the links to the solution:-

  1. Increasing Substring
  2. Longest Progression
  3. Consecutive Primes

Last problem will be updated soon.

Please do watch videos, like, comment, and subscribe to this channel. Likewise, Videos will be uploaded for most of the contest’s editorial. Any suggestions are welcome, do comment in this blog post.

Thank You!!
Google Kickstart Round A Editorial
Algebra in Competitive Programming


This month Kickstart was kind of easy. Although, I am still confused why the accuracy of the second problem was low, even though it was easy.

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Easy is a relative term

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It was annoying tbh. No much thinking but casework.

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A and C were simply easy and B requires a bit of thinking and feeling. Absolutely casework.

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Solution to Problem B is awesome.

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Yeah, B was actually very irritating. I had to work out like 3-4 cases before I got AC. But A and C were good.

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B was really an easy Problem but I got WA 2 times since I missed corner cases.Then AC.

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I was lucky enough to not get stuck at a corner case and passed in one go. But took more time.

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D was also a nice problem involving segment tree.