ICPC 2019 online round discussion

yeah! They should remove the penalties in the first question.


This soln will not work
l r k
1 4 2
4 6 2
6 8 2
What should be the ans of this case acording to u???

Can anyone share the approach for 3rd question of moving segments?

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Well, first notice that you should only consider groups of segments with the same velocity. I used a map to do this. Then, for each group, sort them in increasing order of starting and ending points. The problem is now to divide the segments into two sets so that no segment intersects in either set. This is a matter of simple simulation and condition checking.

Is there any place where i can test my code right now?THe contest page is not opening for me

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@ankit_btech I can’t find any header with regionals as title in the all contests page

@newtech66 I did the same still got wrong answer. What i did is made vector of overlapping parts(touching too). Than merged them. And checked each of them with all intervals of same velocity. If there are more than 3 intervals with common overlapping intersection interval, then printed no. But got WA.

@anon70990627 what is the time complexity of your code for moving segments soln and how?

Search for ‘ICPC’

Can you share the exact link

Answer is YES
1 and 3 move in same direction
2 segment move in other direction

@vijju123 Hey , our Team secured a rank around 650 in this online round in AMRITAPURI Region and we are first in our college who filled for AMRITAPURI .
What are the chances of us getting selected for the onsite round ?
PS: We did the fourth one but were failed to solve the third one cause of a stupid mistake :frowning:


Filling first or last doesn’t matter, Only thing that matter is the ranklist whether u r on top of it or not in your college.

The contest was quite balanced one and I loved to solve the problems.
Kudos to the setters :clap:.
Though I’m still not sure whether SUMOR is solvable with given constraints.
The thing that I hate the most is 20 min high penalty time :pensive:.


agreed… the penalty messed up my rank too :expressionless:


When I tried to submit the first problem, generally I have a habit of submitting code as a file, so when I submitted code using file method it gave me wrong answer verdict, and when I saw my submitted code it was an empty file, basically open file button was not working, because of this I got 20 min time penalty. I think my time penalty should be removed for the first problem. Please @admin look into this matter


@sj444 we also faced the same problem of an empty file (a file with just the #include’s and empty main()) being submitted. I think it was because you submitted the file in IDE-mode. You have to switch to non-IDE mode and then submit it otherwise it was giving WA. @admin, please remove the penalty for this kind of wrong submission. Please discard any solutions which were submitted from IDE mode with opening a file (rather than writing the code in IDE) as it lead to submission of the default code which is present in the IDE instead of the file which we opened in IDE mode. Also, why can’t we import code into IDE by file method? PS: We submitted the codes for other problems by file method in non-IDE mode.


What were the constraints for the first problem?

Can you please help me in this?
I actually solved exactly but unable to find the mistake.
Here is the link : ImHwvJ - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com

in 3rd question i made a pair of pair of speed, left, right then sort it… then for every i am checking the three consecutive index if all three have same velocity then check whether all the three have atleast one point in common. if yes then print no and break. is this wrong?