Infosys Power Programmer Interview Experience

For me the questions were.

  1. explain fork()
  2. what would happen to child process if parent process dies…
  3. reverse the linkedlist recursively
  4. resume based questions.



Congrats bro :partying_face:
Power programmer or SES bro???

Questions asked from me in my Specialist Programmer Interview via Hackwithinfy 2021

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. How to implement Stack Using Queue
  3. Write a code for given question that question was based on array
  4. What is binary tree
  5. Difference between Binary tree and BST
  6. Write a code for BFS traversal of Binary Tree
  7. Some questions related to oops like what is oops than discussed all its concepts
  8. what is primary key
  9. difference between primary key and unique key
  10. At last some SQL queries

You can also watch this video : HackWithInfy Interview experience | Infosys | Specialist Programmer - YouTube

This video is another detailed interview experience and all tips provided can be helpful for you to crack the interview

For All Important DSA Questions for Specialist Programmer Refer this : Important Data Structures Problems for Interviews | Specialist Programmer | Infosys | TCS Digital - YouTube