Invitation to May Long Challenge 2020

The questions are really interesting and comparatively harder than the April Challenge. But why is the participation so less despite of such interesting questions? Is it because of the difficulty? Or is there something about some new rules(just guessing) than I am not aware of?

The Challenge has just begun, Iā€™m sure more participants will join after a couple days

The comment section of the problem is the right place to write that, and if the admin or setter thinks an answer is needed, youā€™ll get it there. None topic related to the problems of an ongoing contest should be discussed in the forum


Try submitting a solution, and write


Update : All editorials are on time :slight_smile:
Thanks to all problem setters and @alei

And they are very detailed :smiley:


Was Triple sort just an easy version of this problem ? I see unusual similarity between the 2 problems
PROBLEM LINK : Problem - 1012E - Codeforces

At a very cursory first glance, they donā€™t look similar to me. The premise is similar, sure. But the problems are pretty different I think because in the CF problem, the constraint is on the sum of all the cycles updated. Whereas in the CC problem, the constraint is on the size of each single update. But we will ask the contest admin and the setter/tester to have a proper look and respond.

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Thereā€™s an editorial for the challenge problem as well this timeā€¦ :thinking:


Please take a look at the answer here.

Ratings Updated.

Congrats to the winners!

Div 1 (north korea dominated in the last hours)

  1. kut_hgs1997
  2. kuticpcer
  3. rns5
  4. xuanyiming
  5. ACRush
  6. endagorion
  7. lg5293

Div 2.

  1. korneev
  2. xzz_233
  3. acchathikache
  4. newbie314159
  5. iotang
  6. stargazer_cyk
  7. jerome_wei

Wow. Didnā€™t know North Korea was big here on CodeChef