Is cook109 is unrated?

The site was crashing in midway, it breaks the flow and it’s no wrong to make it unrated. :expressionless:


Okay, but I used log for comparison , as if in binary search , if I have to compare query2^mid>arr[i], i used log for this and checked if log(query)+midlog(2)>log(arr[i]). I’m sorry if I’m taking too much time of you.

Not at all in my hands, or even in my scanner. The contest admin can give you some idea about this.

If we make it rated people will cry. If we make it unrated, then also people will cry. We have to now optimize such that number of people crying is minimized :stuck_out_tongue:


Its just sad to see how all are just telling the admins. Understand that, they also don’t want your loss, they are trying their level best so that you can be benefitted. Instead of speaking like this, support them.


send this code to codechef :stuck_out_tongue:
min(unratedcries , ratedcries ) == unratedcries ? update_ratings(); : dont_update_ratings();


True that! :stuck_out_tongue:

In problem warrior, what is wrong with this approach-> first sort the power array then calculate the minimum value of warrior (x) required for each answer from 1 to n then apply binary search to find the index of x ? someone please help.


Codechef should also use minimalist website in emergency like Codeforces do.


Where did you get this bro? :slightly_smiling_face:

You should consider people who want it unrated when their ratings are increasing and people who want it rated even though their ratings are going to decrease
Minimize no. of people crying from these people :stuck_out_tongue:


First off, I am happy to help.
What I meant was you are getting overflow in the array built in main program. Log is fine but I wouldn’t suggest it for comparison purposes as the decimal accuracy might give the wrong answer (it might, not necessarily it does though )

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the minimum that we are calculating , can be very large, and can lead to overflow.


ok so there are chances of geting cookoff unrated??

No comments, as I am not at all a part of decision making body.

I don’t know why people are worrying about ratings, forget about rating gain knowledge then rating will increase automatically (Sometimes it may take time for everything u should be having patience) and you should control your anger and be calm on getting things done. In IT industry or any other industry you should be having patience on getting things done (your anger won’t make things happen immediately and will lead to bad appraisal).

I think there is a problem that’s why codechef is not updating ratings, what happens if the codechef is delaying ratings are you dying? no right? be cool and don’t worry about rating when you have knowledge.

I think none of the one is paying (payed) for participating in contests conducted by communities like codechef or any other (I haven’t payed), if so by this time you would have killed them. Be calm and check the below screenshot (Sorry chefs if my words are rude/hurting, but fact is fact):



Though I faced problem like Internal Server etc in cook-off I don’t want it to be unrated. I believe CodeChef is doing whatever it can to support the coding community in India.However, I agree to the point that CodeChef can release a micro site which performs better under load (just like codeforces).


Many faced the internal server error that happens because of the load on server (you can’t expect any server handling thousands of transactions at a time, it is a non-functional behavior), you can’t expect any product 100% error free, even if the product certified as 100% defect free still you can find at least one error/defect.

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I got to 4 stars for it! Yay! :smiley: