It's all on you Codechef

What if every problem have some hidden test cases just like kickstart or codejam ?


i can understand but what’s the point of sending a post from a fake account are you scared of showing your original account. By doing this you seems to me a bit sketchy :thinking:
and if anyone cheats let them, you can’t do much and they won’t get any better in cp by cheating.
And codechef shouldn’t make long challenge unrated as a lot of student don’t get time im in 12th class and hardly get time for cooksoff and Ltime . And it also help us with thinking about the problem for days.
if this gives you depression leave this platform switch to codeforces completely that won’t give you ‘depression’.
And i really don’t like that there is no downvote system in codechef :frowning:

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If this would have been the case, I would have left solving CONTAIN thinking my answer is correct, moreover deeply think about your ideas before posting on discuss, think of their pros and cons.


Correct, currently we are playing against some hidden fake competitors which makes us to work more hard. which is good, because when we go out we will find that competition is not that tough cause we handled it here.

Now that’s plain rude alright!!

Same here. I probably had over 60 unsuccessful submissions in “CHFNSWAPS” before getting AC. I sincerely believe It’s all about persistence and the required logic to get the job done. And the weird part: two of my friends got an AC for CHFNSWAPS in their first attempt. That disheartened me to a great extent because they had started CP only 2 months ago


i agree with you but it need some changes

Yeah, thanks for your concern.

This is much better. But it cannot help avoid plagiarism :frowning:

Codejam god😂

Why would anyone will give 10 days unrated contest ??
If long challenges gets unrated then many beginner programmers will lose their motivation!


heh i like how you think and i agree with you


IMO these solutions will end up annoying most users and they would probably leave codechef. One thing that i have noticed is that cheating is ridiculously rampant for the easier questions. It would be better to have points based on difficulty of the problem, rather than the current system where every problem has equal points. This way, if you are a serious coder, you’d be able to solve a problem with higher difficulty and be able to stand apart from the noobs. Also, solutions to the harder ones wont be leaked much because those problems will require a lot of hard work and i don’t think anyone would let go of their hard wok so easily.

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Why do you think people leak solutions? In this long, solutions of 6 problems have been leaked and I don’t think 6th problem is that much easy.

People leak them, so that others don’t progress. If you had seen the youtube videox where solution was leaked, it had about 1.5k views. Out of these, I expect maximum 150-200 take the solution, so only the one who posted is progressing, others are just copying. This in technical terms is called mass destruction.

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@ashish_kaur mentioned that 6 solution were leaked. guess what, both of my friend have 600 score. g**d maar li saalon ne.

@ssrivastava990 bhai next Long me fake account se participate karein ??


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bhai abhi to 4 din or hai :frowning:

Just want to ask you guys, are CHFNSWPS and DRCHEF so easy that this user solved them in 1 go.


no way dude! it took me 15 attempts for DRCHEF and 21 for CHFNSWPS (tho you may consider calling me a beginner, but still…)

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Yeah, consider me also a beginner, it took me 5 attempts for DRCHEF (5 hours) and 19 for CHEFNSWPS (approx 4 hours).


No way, they are easy. Maybe implementation is easy, but one cannot get the logic so easily.