Marking solved problems not working in MAY 2013 contest (1.4)

I realized that my Chrome extension is not working in MAY 2013 long contest…

related to -

edit: new version 1.5 is available - read more here


I didn’t realize when it was announced by CodeChef team - problem is new URL (ww2).

You can find description, download link and installation instructions of extension with a small surprise on CodeForces - CodeChef strike chrome extension - Codeforces .

Devanshu Gupta: thanks for the idea :wink:

If I’ll have some time I’ll implement the ideas from the post linked above, but there is GCJ round 1B tomorrow…

If there are some problem, let me know here :wink:

Good luck in long contest :slight_smile:


@betlista your extension is awesome… Thanks a lot… First time I’m using it :slight_smile:

1 Like

Didn’t work for me. But after some debugging found that it was because I don’t login using a facebook account and hence do not have the ‘#logged-in-user-fb-pic>’ entry.

Also it doesn’t work on pages of past contests on which one may have participated, since the “submit” link is no longer active there. Below is my patch of changes to get it working, if you would like to incorporate the fixes.

Awesome extension though… :slight_smile: looking forward for one on firefox.

@@ -88,9 +88,11 @@
 			$("td:gt(0)", $(this)).addClass('betlista-codechef-strike');
 		} else {
 			//var submitLink = $('a', codeTd)
-			var submissionsUrl = window.location.origin + $('a', codeTd).attr( "href" );
-			var username = $( '#logged-in-user-fb-pic>tbody>tr>td:eq(1)>span>a:eq(0)').attr("href").replace(/.*\//, "");
-			submissionUrl = submissionsUrl.replace("submit", "status") + "," + username;
+			var url1 = window.location.origin;
+            linkTd = $("td:eq(4)", $(this));
+            var url2 = $('a', linkTd).attr("href");
+			var username = $( 'tbody>tr>td:eq(0)>span>a:eq(0)').attr("href").replace(/.*\//, "");
+            var submissionUrl = url1 + url2 + "," + username;
 			var firstTd = $("td:first", $(this));
 			$.get( submissionUrl,
 				function(data) {
@@ -163,10 +165,10 @@
 	var url = window.location.origin + "/ajax/ranks/contest" + path + "0/4000/";
 	if (DEBUG) logDiv.append( "DEBUG url=" + url + "
+    var username = $( 'tbody>tr>td:eq(0)>span>a:eq(0)').attr("href").replace(/.*\//, "");
 	$.get( url, 
 		function(data) { 
 			var html = jQuery( data );
-			var username = $( '#logged-in-user-fb-pic>tbody>tr>td:eq(1)>span>a:eq(0)').attr("href").replace(/.*\//, "");
 			var row = $( 'table:eq(0)>tbody>tr>td>a:contains("' + username + '")', html ).parent().parent()
 			if (DEBUG) logDiv.append( "DEBUG username=" + username + "
 			if (DEBUG) logDiv.append( "DEBUG row.length=" + row.length + "

@betlista Your chrome extension is not working properly. I mean, when I logged in through my codechef account, I get only one tick for my last submitted and accepted answer in the past may long contest.

@betlista >> Great work, man! Kudos. Looks fantastic.

@betlista Awesome extension but i was thinking if it would be possible to mark the Challenge Problem with a different color as we solve it again even if solved previously. Great work.

Great work

Your chrome extension isn’t working in Version 27.0.1453.110 m

The chrome extension is not working. It shows the green tick for the problems which are present at the top of the page. But, not works for all the problems. I have solved prob as welll as seasor. But it is not showing green tick for those problems. So, that’s why i’m guessing it searches from the top, one problem at a time but once it encounters an unsolved problem then it stops searching or something like that is happening.

![alt text][1]

I found some bugs - download version 1.3.1

Thanks, glad to hear that :wink:

buddy… it was my pleasure to suggest a improvment to such a nice extension… its awesome… and helpful too… :slight_smile:

1 Like

awesome man came to know after a long time that there is such app.

hello guys, new version 1.4 is available on CodeForces - CodeChef strike chrome extension - Codeforces

I will look on it…

I’ve just checked, and the download link no longer works. When you have time, could you please check it again? Thanks a lot. It’s such a great extension :wink:

1 Like

I’'ll fix it and let you know.

links are fixed

@betlista Your chrome extension is not working properly. I mean, when I logged in through my codechef account, I get only one tick for my last submitted and accepted answer in the past may long contest.