Rating recalculation after penalizing cheaters

how can i increase my rating quickly???

By not focusing on your rating.


Why my ratting is not updated yet. I have given most of the contests in past 6-7 months.

Good Decision taken by Codechef team…:slight_smile:

its great :smile:

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I am here to bring to your kind notice that june long challenge one i secured global rank 1 but now all of a sudden this rank has been changed to 14341. But on that day for june221D only 13507 members have been attended globally then how could this happen.Kindly look over this issue as soon as possible. Expecting a speedy verification and positive response

Because you’ve been caught cheating. You would have received an email with the details.

When is this going to be done for the 286 users for whom this wasn’t done earlier though? Even after repeated inquiries, there seems to be no concrete reply from anyone.