TCS Codevita 2020 results announced

First xams then they give joining letter.

can you share the interview expirience or just what type of questions where asked in the interview and what topics to revice as I have a pp interview soon. @mohan14

I Got Survey form in the last week of April 2020, Time duration was 4-5 days to complete survey form.

@black_siri sure , just be confident in every ans. interview is not even of medium level. it was literally very very easy. some of starting questions are basics. even i was also surprised i have prepared so much and nothing asked. they starting with very basic questions of swaping sorting and factorial and palindrome then projects then dbms sql , and some easy -middle question like implementation of inbuild library in c++ .thats all. cheers all the best.

I qualified with a rank of approx 8k, will I receive a call for internship as I’m in 3rd year currently?

If someone is not available for 6 months internship and is in final year . Do they get pp offer?

Internship is not for final year

Well, I saw TCS replying to a mail saying that they don’t have any open positions for freshers “currently”. :confused:

can you show the mail


if any1 gets codevita interview mail reply here

We received a mail from our college regarding the interview.
I had a rank of around 12k and my name was not on the list

What is the max rank called for interview.?

but tcs sends the mail na?

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Stuff is getting messed up !

Upto which rank they called?

In the list the maximum ranked student was about 11400 something.
But We’ve contacted our TPO he said he’ll look into it.

Yeah, A lot of students who are selected for Qualifier from our college were not in the interview selected list.

this time tcs is informing college for interview?

Dude TCS sent that list to your college TPO ??