TEMPLE Editorial

Problem Link:- TEMPLE

SETTER : @jprm2
Editorialist : @jprm2

Difficulty : Easy-Medium

Pre-Requisites : Recursion, Dynamic Programming,Observation.


Problem was pretty straight forward that you want to find the number of ways to reach the nth step of a temple taking exactly k steps given
steps sizes are a and b and c. Now first basic approach comes is for recursion. where what you can do simply is like given below.

50 points:- Recursion.

ll exactly_k_steps(ll n,ll steps)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
return exactly_k_steps(n-1,steps+1)+exactly_k_steps(n-2,steps+1) +exactly_k_steps (n-3,steps+1);

here a=1 ,b=2 and c=3 that is the value of step size or a leap size. for a particular step if your destination is n and you are at level 0 then you can leap either 1 step forward or 2 step forward or 3 step forward so as you move one step now the new problem becomes that for n-1 steps you have to reach inexactly k-1 steps or in k-1 steps you have to travel n-2 remaining steps or in k-1 steps you have to travel n-3 remaining steps .

I am starting with initial 0 steps and when my variable steps becomes exactly k I check if n is 0 or not if it is then I return 1 from that leaf of my recursion tree andelse I return 0 from that leaf that this way or this is not as per the conditions thus at root node finally that is in the main recursion call I will get all the possible solution numbers when at current I presently check by taking all the possible steps that is 1,2,3 .Now this recursion takes for a particular n it takes time equal to 3^k. which was satisfying 1st subtask.

Complete Solution : Dynamic Programming: 100 points.

Now see How we will memorize the our previously obtained problems for a particular n and k in a dp table of dp[10001][101] for storing results and optimizing the solution.

the code snippet is:-

#define P 1000000007
ll dp[100000][100];
ll a,b,c;
ll k;
ll exactly_k_steps(ll n,ll steps)

 return 1;
 return 0;
  return 0;
  return dp[n][steps];
  dp[n][steps]= (exactly_k_steps(n-a,steps-1)%P+exactly_k_steps(n-b,steps-1)%P +exactly_k_steps (n-c,steps-1)%P)%P;
  return (dp[n][steps])%P;

so we consider each new n and k as a particular solution of a particularly a new problem and we save the answer of this new problem and use it directly from
the memorization dp table. . I hope that dp solution is clear to you. modulo 1000000007 is just for preserving the number and not to overflow.

Setter’s and Editorialist’s Solution:

Setters and Editorialists Solutions.

Solution Link.

Hope you liked it and feel free to share any approach or ask any doubts in comments below. Other optimal solutions are encouraged too.

Is it possible for you to please tell for which test case is my code failing .(Its not the desired solution but still)

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