Use this for anything related to plagiarism - Reporting cheating, appeals, etc

Im not getting shit just saw his solutions they match with 5 others I saw and his audacity to write,
thought prepared and coded by suraj bisht in his code is so funny LMAO

LOL your code for ATWNT is copied 100%


look at his submission timings
2021-02-15_23 07 17


Yeah, disgusting behaviour.

Some more copied codes:

I didn’t really care much because I didn’t do the long challenge seriously. If I did, I would’ve been very pissed. This guy has the audacity to ask for rating after clearly cheating lol.

Oh! So @surajbishtsb81 (the cheater) deleted his comment. Nice.

i know right

the guy who commented above him also has the same code just added spaces LOL xenikh_32 guy

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Bruh :joy:

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Bhai ne indent bhi nahi kara hahahaha

Dude i got migraine by seeing the code :fearful: :fearful:

Tum toh badde heavy driver ho bhai​:joy::joy:

I am pretty sure moss will detect and he will get his reward

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Guys, cut some slack for my boi @surajbishtsb81

I mean, what’s the next thing you do after you’ve (allegedly) copied code? Obviously ask why are your ratings not updated yet (because that was the goal in the first place). If you guys would’ve done anything else, well, hate to break it to you, you’re not gonna make a good thief.

So India has a coder faster than Gennady. You should be proud of our most respected boi @surajbishtsb81. Who doesn’t have a single WA or TLE during the entire long challenge.


@surajbishtsb81 is a 4* coder now.Great well done codechef.

He will get his punishment. Moss effect takes few weeks to show up

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suppose my rank is 1500 and his rank is 400. After he is disqualified will my rank and ratings be updated?



Why don’t these guys try to compete in IOCCC instead of wasting time on codechef :rofl::rofl: