Exactly dude, don’t think about these people and don’t think about rating, if someone feels he have improved that he is able to solve harder problems, than that person has definitely improved even if the ratings don’t reflect that.
Lol. They use very funny names while making code selling posts on telegrams. Have seen all top coders, Gennady Korotkevich, ecnerwala. And even indian names like cubercoder, etc. selling codes for 50 INR. Was a great laugh when I first opened the group.
Today got
FST in B (forgot to take max)
printed xzyw instead of xyzw in C (couldn’t find this mistake until contest ended)
Bad day for me.
Regarding cheaters - Just ignore them
speak for yourself
what do you mean
so that’s the reason for very high submissions in Topological sort and dense graph…
I gave 3 days to just solve these 2 problems and people are doing it like it’s a piece of cake…
But still this makes me laugh on those people who are cheating as you won’t be able to pass the coding round with fake ratings then what’s the point of it…
And who the hell pays for a solution for a coding problem that was just meant to enhance you problem solving skills not the rating… uff
Why is my topic merged with this one, I was not reporting about the cheating , it was a motivational blog and serves a completely different purpose than this blog it is merged with.
I think that’s because of your handel name…cheat coder
the inspiration for the name comes from the cheatcodes used in games .
Why this happens in last 2-3 days of long challenge total submission count increases gradually.?
It is because there are some private groups who leak the solutions and some youtube channels who share hints on the problems. To maintain the current rank , some users copy the solutions and that is why submission counts with most of them AC increases.
Long Challenges should be made unrated, otherwise Codechef ratings will soon become obsolete.
Yeah i am quite shocked as well as somewhat disappointed to see 300+ submissions of topological sort… i mean yeah that’s not Like an NP-HARD problem but still it’s quite hard and i am struggling from past few days to get 100 points but some people are doing like its nothing…
The accuracy of that topological sort question was less than the dense graph question for all the 9 days, on the last day, it suddenly reversed. No complaints, it happens always.
I don’t think it makes sense to only blame Long contests. Cheating is too prevalent in short contests as well.
Besides code sharing and code copying, there is also a concept of exclusive participation in short contests.
Meaning three or four people will make a group. They will divide the questions and will hence get 4x more time to solve as each person is solving 1-2 problem v/s 6-8. One month lunchtime will be submitted on User A codechef account, cook off on User B, next month’s lunchtime will be submitted on User C, next month’s cook off on User D account. And the above cycle repeats.
Have seen many people doing it. And will also pass plagiarism filters on coding sites.
As some questions in Long contests are too hard and distinguish good vs cheats, the same is rarely true in short contests where it is possible to divide and solve and average coders can score high.
I seriously doubt if Long contests are more fake than short.
I was searching for concepts related to questions and got interacted with a lot of answers of questions that too paid. Many people just to increase ranks do pay and get answer which I think is wrong. You just check everyone’s submission and you will see many submissions last minute.
That too the answer matches the one you see on youtube’s glimpse which is paid one but shows that yes this answer is working…
Just see this image and see the submission time and on seeing answer you see that they are the one you saw on YouTube videos which sell their answer.
Kindly make strict regulations as this makes our ranks down and in interview it matters what’s your rank in codechef too.
The one who is proved indulged in such should be given red star to his ranks showing cheating. My main motive is to stop this and whosoever is indulged doesn’t matter.
Plz codechef from last many challenges I am seeing this trend of increasing submissions at once just some time before ending. Plzz see this matter and red mark those ids indulged.
You don’t know him he is a Procoder. Bina question dekhe sahi code kar leta hai.
What kind of interviews are you giving where your long challenge ranks are mattering?