This person Prabhav Dogra is biggest cheater, he became specialist on codeforces after cheating and is an active member of a whatsapp group “DSA FOR BEGINNERS” in which they discuss live contests and do a lot of cheating , morevover these people are active on telegram, Submits the codes available on telegram, After getting good ratings these people brag on linkedin . Above is the link of post, i tried to expose him and warned him not to delete my comments , still he deleted my comments, and blocked me. Thats so shameful act that such persons are in our community , if he has done nothing wrong why the hell he is so afraid that he deleted my comments and blocked me. That sounds skeptical. Isn’t it. … Also, when i commented , Many of his friend came to defend him , Akash Singh – Admin of that whatsapp group and Adarsh Prashar who himself is a biggest cheater got Expert on CF through cheating , you can get to know from his skipped submissions , also he sometimes comments code availabale on telegram , changes it and submits it, he became expert by doing this, so basically that group involves a lot of cheaters when the admin himself is a cheater.
So, i appeal all the community And codeforces to punish these cheaters. These cheaters are misguiding new learners on linkedin , many new learners get inspired from these cheaters , THARS VERY WRONG , so, i urge every true community member to vsisit his linkedin post and bash him , expose him , Let’s see hoe many comments this cheater will delete and how many persons he will block.
This whatsapp group “DSA FOR BEGINNERS” is full of cheaters. they cheat during live contests.
adarsh prashar and prabhav and @hiteshv_3578 and akash singj the admin of that group are main cheaters
Someone uploaded the solution of problem OROFAND on youtube during the contest and most of the people copy pasted the same code, and the ratings of those people have been increased!!! Why was not plagiarism punished??? Where did the Codechef code of conduct go?? #AprilCookOff
Why was not MOSS run in April Cookoff Challenge 2021? Almost every other person copied the same solution from youtube, they either just changed c++14 to c++17 , or changed only variable name!! Some even just copied without changing anything!! Why were not they punished?? @admin
April Cookoff was cheated by many people
Every 10 mins , Solutions were coming in hundreds in number.
Even youtube channels were publishing videos and people were discussing concepts there
Long event cheating is understandable due to length
but now cookoff is getting cheated also
I totally agree with you . Plagiarism is happening rampantly. The admin might be trying to reduce cheating but consoling ourselves that ITS OK, DONT THINK ABOUT CHEATERS, its not going to work.
If a honest guy is getting punishment of rating decrement then it is not fair
Another thing is that what is the response of code chef team when we report a user of plagiarizing. Like even if we mail them they don’t reply back.
They can take a week to change ratings after running MOSS check, there is no hurry but make it fair.
y are u posting it here ? no use .
u cant punish him . its esy to escape .
all u can do is expose him .
just comment on his linkedin post
that would yield better results
I have sent mails and its over a month i have yet to hear anything. I don’t think its a good way to do it either. Many people can send mail and in many mails there will be say some user. that user got reported 20 times. Now you know why its so difficult. Just have a report cheater button/ form or something. and then you will be able to get all suspected users to run MOSS Over First. Needless to say i am waiting for the CHEATER PLAGIARISED REPLY.
Also i wanna know what is the status of cheaters getting interviews. U rarely answer. So Either you are too busy or lenient.
i think you are biggest cheater you just have dont work thats why you blaming other poeople for cheating . bro go and take rest . ha ha ha bahut badi top nhi h tu ok. jo proof tu de rha h aise 50 proof bn jayenge. ok so take care . stay home stay away. stay safe .
look at this website where solutions of every questions of may long challenge has been posted
would still long challenge measures actual capability of an individual??
Cheating in may challenge 2021 (all are my classmates and I’ve heard one of them saying why do you waste time? just copy from this site and chill. This is really disheartening for honest users like us.
Let me tell you reality. CodeChef give no attention of cheating. I have been reporting 3-4 people from previous 3 long challenges(Even mailed them with proofs) but nothing happened. They continued to cheat in this long challenge. So don’t waste your time here.