What are karma points?

You can ask questions now.

Here you go :slight_smile:


I cannot ask qns. I have only 1 karma point. Please help


Upvoted now you can ask.

Thanks… :slight_smile:

Answer someone’s Q, get upvoted and ask Q. That’s how it works here :slight_smile:

Answer other people’s questions. You get karma if people find your answer good and upvote it.

Now you can. Its because you didn’t have sufficient Karma then.

there you go!

there you go!

Now you can ask :slight_smile:

Ask your questions here -


Requesting for free upvote is against spirit of forums.

at this link, i did not find the option of adding a comment and it specifically states that users should give their views as comments

Ask your questions here : "I want to ask a question" - Ask them all here! - meta - CodeChef Discuss

i upvoted your comment,now you can ask your question.

@hruday968 thanks …

Please upload a link to the problem and your solution as well before asking such questions or else noone will be able to help you.

answer others’ questions

why is this answer marked “community wiki” anyways?

i think u have enough karma to ask questions