Why Contests

Hey, I recently became active on CodeChef again… I used to participate in late 2020 - early 2021. One thing I’ve noticed is that earlier there were a lot of (mostly) unrated contests hosted by various organizations. For example, you can look at the profile of any old user and see that in the problem sections, there are a lot of contests (which are not STARTERS, LONG CHALLENGE, COOK-OFF or LUNCHTIME).

Why is it that now these contests do not take place? Since I was on a break from competitive programming (studying for entrance exams and stuff) I don’t know if CodeChef stopped allowing organizations/people from hosting contests or why. Earlier these happened almost daily…

is this the reason why?
It is true that these contests used to have some copied problems, but they were mostly from other platforms and honestly, there are many users here who do not participate on all the other platforms. Doesn’t seem like a reason to simply end all unrated/extra contests…

You can click on the “Show all contests” toggle in Competitive Programming and Coding Challenges - CodeChef to see the unrated contests.

Oh, okay! Thank you.

any way to keep it toggled on permanently? it is toggled off whenever I go to contests page