Can anyone tell me why hackerrank not organized any contest nowadays, from last year October, hardly one competition take place, I also mail them to organise the competition , but no reply, I think the challenges of hakerrank is also good, but why they stop.
@anon55659401 @marksman @l_returns
I too miss their contest sometimes… Hackerrank was my first coding site… They had wonderful and insightful editorials too…
I think lack of good problem setters might be an issue… Unlike Codechef, they don’t have a huge bench of official problem setters.
This is the primary reason I don’t use Hackerrank anymore.
I emailed them many a times asking this, but no reply at all…
Better switch to Hackerearth as an alternative if you haven’t already, it’s a lot better.
I don’t think lack of problem setters is a reason, Hackerrank was ahead of Hackerearth in contests back then so it had good problem setters, but now see Hackerearth is doing just fine in organizing contests even though both companies were founded almost at the same time.
Missing too…there contest are very much educational type
1 vs 1 on Hackerearth are love !!!
I believe it’s fake .
I have never lost any 1 vs 1 XD (out of 34 fights)
How can that be possible.
I also keep visiting hackerrank for contest
Sadly I haven’t attend even one contest yet.
weird flex but okay.
I didn’t mean to show off but it’s really fake.
I don’t consider winning there as anything.
Yes , I think they are fake because opponents do not even compile or submit the code once.
And I always lose in 1 vs 1,
, other guys code so fast, though their solution is partially right
I stopped doing it over a year ago…
Some top-coders should set contest problems for free for hackerrank if money is the issue with hackerrank
Maybe you should approach them for volunteering.
I am a noobie. And I can only set problems like:-Add 2 numbers,etc
No problem.
I know what types of problems can you set.
If you volunteer then others might get inspired
I also used to love “one on one” but i thinks its easy on “one on one” in hackerearth because i thinks only new programmers used to play as one on one and not the experienced programmers…
Ya they are quite easy… but sometimes when there are no live contests and you are in the zone to code it feels good to have such a resource.
So I think now @l_returns @anon13835146 please contact them, and ask if the problem setting was the issue then many coders will help them , but please organise contest.
I would like to mention something here: Most of the original problem setters that Hackerrank had, got busy with either their Job or their research. One such example is: @nikasvanidze who was known to be a great problem setter of his time. Therefore Hackerrank should be more concerned now with finding more problem setters rather than re-designing their website again and again…