How about replacing long challenge with several short contests?

Have you ever done any codeforces Div1-Div-2 combined round like cf globals and other combined rounds or in fact tried any problems in the later half of Div1 contest?

I haven’t participated much on codeforces so can’t say about it. I was saying about codechef onlu. But do they ask problems where you need to study research papers?

I think you mean D, E, F problems and the answer is No. I can’t even solve Div.2 F and I think that’s Div.1 C.

You should definitely try those problems (rated over 2600). That will change your thoughts about hard problems in short contests for sure

Any problem if you can suggest? You must have seen that when the problem idea is trivial(like Adding AP on array when lazy prop is also permitted), then also many people can’t code it.
I agree that problem would be extremely difficult but code would be short or would use some known ds/algo.

Yeah sure,check this It is one of the problem which I was working on lately and fun fact is that it is from a normal educational round. It requires knowledge of lagrangian interpolation algorithm (which you might be familiar with if you’ve done any course on numerical methods).

Man exactly my point!! Those 8 days could be used to give another contest instead of waiting for 10 days to see change in my rating.

There are some people who solve it for 7-8 days. Maybe parallel contests is a good idea.

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Yes I have solved that problem before. This idea is very common now. Not sure about that time.
Btw, this was the funniest one :rofl: :rofl: : Submission #55590668 - Codeforces

I don’t think I have ever seen two rated contests running simultaneously, but it might be interesting to see if codechef could make that possible.

Not about long challenges, but It would be nice move to increase frequency of short challenges !

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Wait, what?
Haven’t you seen two rated contests happening simultaneously?
Then what about February Long Challenge 2020 and February Cook Off 2020. You participated and you forgot that incident :roll_eyes:

Oh yeahh there was a question regarding this too I forgot lol XD

Yeah, that was one of the nicest questions ever asked in Codechef.

I don’t care rates or plagiarism but I like the long challange as I don’t always have time for my hobby (work, family…). I definitely like the way I read the problems and come up with a solution after a day. There are some tricky ones as well, where - at least me at the knowledge I have - have to dig into on paper and create a naive solution and/or test cases to discover the appropriate algo with fitting big O.
There are several short contests so you can have your favourites there but only some long contests - please don’t want to ruine them. If you are worried about ranks, transfrom your suggestion to make long challange unrated and/or separated from the other ranklist.



Yeah bro you are totally right long challenge should be removed.