From now on, the problems you get in 1v1 matches will also be according to the rating of both the players.
Best of luck and Keep practicing.
From now on, the problems you get in 1v1 matches will also be according to the rating of both the players.
Best of luck and Keep practicing.
Please also include the count of daily attempts left while the arena is live, I can’t find it right now on the Games zone.
Does current 1v1 allow cross language selection competitors as well? If not, it might make matching participants faster in my opinion, while letting them compete in their selected language.
If it’s already there, well and good.
Hey @harshit_kgupta ,
Sure we will add the attempts remaining count.
Also no, we do not have cross languages matches right now. Both the players in a 1v1 match gets the exact same problem and the exact same code to debug.
Cross language matching sounds like a nice idea, but it is difficult to ensure that both the players get codes of same difficulty. Once we have a better idea of the difficulty of the tasks you get in 1v1, we may be able to bring cross language matching as well.
Great! An attempts left counter will be helpful.
For cross-languages matches, I was expecting the similar language-based challenge of a same problem. Anyway, it’s fairer to have the same language match. Thanks for addressing it.
We have introduced a new Rating graph in your Games Profile, along with more information about the Games played.
wonderful but really demotivating for me since i just could play 10 games …
what is hacking section there in games. Does it means gaining access to the machines as like other ctf tryhackme , htb or some what different
excited for this one.
This is awesome
Challenge a friend is now live for all.
Visit here to create a game and play 1v1 match against your friends.
PS: The games are rated by default.
In the puzzle → code-completion section, there was a problem with a difficulty level of ~1020 which had an error in the non-editable code section.
The question read as follows: "There are N students who wish to fill their water bottles. Primary school students take C minutes and high school students take D minutes and you are in the B-th position on the queue.
Error: Variable “ans” was declared out of scope.
Please look into it and increase the ratings of coders who tried and failed to do this question.
@harshit_kgupta - 1v1 usage now contributes to the daily streak. It will add to your activity and reflect in the profile page.
I have been unable to access the solution for the games part especially puzzles…is it only for pro members?
For me, there seems to be an issue where the “view solution” button keeps me waiting at a white screen. Also, it would be cool for us to be able to review the problem after a 1v1 so that we can attempt the problem after the “duel” is over.
White screen will not come for the Solution page now. Though solution for 1v1 Games is only available to Pro users.
Also, you can review a match by playing the same game as a puzzle from your user profile.
I was playing “Hacking” mode and encountered this task:
I submitted all possible values of the input A and still got “Wrong Answer” verdict. Please have a look. (BTW, I am pretty sure that the case I typed in the box should be wrong for obvious reasons)
whenever i start the 1v1 the screen is stuck at waiting for result is this how it’s supposed to be?