Long Contest Harsh Reality

That’s surprising. It seemed like he was the one most affected due to the long challenge shenanigans, but it turns out he was also one of them? Wow! Very hypocritical.

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He cheated but still lost 30 rating :laughing:


Found the suggestions given here quite good. @galencolin @deepasnhu_1729 @ssrivastava990 @ashk_21


AND his account xD.


He cheated ? How do I see it ? It just says “CodeChef account blocked”


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His id is deleted, from which he was handling that account.

All of them were relatively fresh accounts. Seems to be troll or something like that.

Same Bro Literally I was at 230 and my rank went to 480

That @wickedknight guy legit copied codes for practice problems too :joy:.
INOI’20 - Department Strengths
alt account

There could be Register button for Long Challenges.
Registered users will get a rating change and the button would be disabled after 2-3 days of starting time.
This could avoid last day submission rush. :confused: (specially for DIV II)


Division 1 Rank 1 submitted all problems in the last hour. What a legend.

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This is surely a great idea…!

so not true…
My account got blocked because i had another account or something…
@wickedknight and @trial_codes were found to be duplicate accounts…”

so there you haave it

having 2 accounts is against code of conduct.

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Please explain your copied solutions in the March Long Challenge.

hey, it isn’t cheating since both the accounts were mine
I was just using the second one to run the codes first (perfectionist OCD - didn’t want too many WAs on @wickedknight )

I joined codechef in May
i started computers in April
March long challenge mein kahan se aa gaya mai? kuch bhi bolo ge kya ab…share a link to whatever solution you’re talking bout

i am new…i didn’t know…i payed the price. ok? i have only this account now

Apologies. I meant June.

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