Only for girls? Codechef Summer Internship challenge!

Sorry for being rude, but, are you like, 12 years old or something?


No words.

may be it’s a typo


then if google is hiring only girls this time, why boy’s act like 12 year old? haha :slight_smile:


How is that issue even related here? Hiring girls is quite different from mentioning the general intern to be female. For example, what if they had written “he” instead of “she”? Would it have been any different? Yeah, I agree “he/she” would have been more appropriate, but I guess there is no harm done, right? Ranting about a generalization like this is simply childish, and I guess it doesn’t deserve a separate thread to be created at the least.

PS: They haven’t mentioned some gender in the “What should you possess” section, so I guess you are completely fine here. :slight_smile:


Well, now we know one person whom we don’t want to select. Thanks for advertising your chauvinism.

Jokes aside (am I actually kidding?..), educate yourself - word usage - Reason for the current trend to use «she» as the gender-neutral pronoun? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange


How exactly does “she” mean gender neutral tho ? the post is 9 years old and if codechef follows that , maybe we do not want to work for such a misandry organization either.

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We aren’t begging you to apply :slight_smile: More than happy to not associate ourselves with people who don’t understand this.


You didn’t “beg” anyone , but everyone have been “informed” and we do have a right to state our opinion . Is this your first day as a brand manager ? how exactly is the OP “chauvinist” , I can only see misandry here and nothing else.


Did I ever say that you can’t state your opinion?
We don’t really care about our brand if basic human decency is the price to be paid for it.

Taking offense when “she” is used, but not batting an eyelid when “he” is used in the same place (which is done everywhere) is not a characteristic we care for.


Do you know if i never batted an eye when “he” was used as a gender neutral pronoun ? , why’d you call him a chauvinist for stating that fact and how could you possibly allege that i have never batted an eye when “he” was used as a gender neutral pronoun ? Instead of clarifying the OPs doubts you started name calling.


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admin ab tu feminism k naam pe roone mat baith ja. Bara nautanki h tum logo ka.


They keep forgetting feminism means equality for both genders ,not overpowering one particular gender.


Ah yes, of course, that super common phenomenon of a guy flipping out and creating an entire thread because “he” was used as a gender-neutral word! How could I forget that!!


well i don’t see any girl flipping out because “she” was used here either , so that’s that.
What i see is some admin of a huge company for students justifying something.


Well what I feel is @admin could have simply said that it was some mistake from their end instead of arguing over here. Shows the maturity! Also I do not have any problem be it anything.
We do consider “he” as gender neutral because we know there are literally no one out there who will just conduct some competition for only guys. Where as we all know about various competitions just for Girl-candidates. Not against it, but you should specify it as he/she and if you are wrong somewhere then do accept instead of googling how to prove yourself correct. Peace out!


Um, would you be kind enough to point out the mistake? I don’t seem to find any… :thinking:


I agree with it, the use of ‘she’ with reference to a 9-year-old post clearly signifies you want to correct yourself in any possible way. There is no one who is having a problem with the exclusive hiring of girls candidates(perfectly normal). The person who wrote this post is an individual with his/her opinions but you speak for the entire CodeChef. Maybe little maturity would help :slight_smile:


Well it might raise some misunderstandings, which it did I suppose!

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